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  1. This Guy

    Roomates photoshoot

    Thanks, i'm gonna TRY to get pics every weekend through harvest. sucks though, its bag seed and my last grow with these seeds I had to harvest early so I dunno when to start flush but im allready seeing 1/4 to 1/2 cloudy Trichs and they are mostly sativa and I want to harvest at the very start...
  2. This Guy

    Roomates photoshoot

    Thanks, its just some bagseed mid's
  3. This Guy

    Roomates photoshoot

    My roomate took some really good pix of my girls with her Nikon D40, I figured I would share :)
  4. This Guy

    stop growth, growing too tall

    kept those within a foot of my 400w hps, i grew the same bagseed last time with cfl's and they did the same thing, just freakishly tall sativas has been the common explanation
  5. This Guy

    stop growth, growing too tall

    I vegged for 3 weeks, and grew very tall. seems (of my 2 grows and reading) it should slow alot after 3 weeks but wont stop fully growing up till around 4 weeks. if your too close to the lights try slightly bending them over near the top and fixing them with garbage ties or something
  6. This Guy

    red spots?

    1 more bump, help the rust spots are spreading a little bit and its all forming in the cola, I cant seem to narrow it down. I just did a thurough flush
  7. This Guy

    red spots?

    Bump, please I need a little help, i don't wanna mess these up. I THINK it is nute burn but i'm not sure
  8. This Guy

    red spots?

    My 2nd grow is moveing right along, but i noticed a few red spots forming. anyone know what this night be?
  9. This Guy

    LST'ing the FREAK

    my girls are 4 weeks flowering now and I had to LST the Freakishly tall one. the one on the left was 14" if i remeber right before flowering and the one on the right i think was 10"-12", its hard to remember cause I've been out of town alot and having my sister water them. I sure hope the...
  10. This Guy

    Molasses. When to? please help

    I've heard that it will fatten up the buds and make them sweeter, I'm on my 2nd grow and useing it this time and i'm hopeing to see the diffrence soon.
  11. This Guy

    Must see porn!!

    I just had a orgasm of purple squishy goodness :)
  12. This Guy

    long stem growth

    my 1st grow was CFL's and I used 8 23w and I got a nice little bit of smoke 3/4oz
  13. This Guy

    long stem growth

    Green G: Sounds like a light problem to me, what lighting are you useing and how far away? and more info could help, what kind of soil, ferts, and ph?
  14. This Guy

    2nd bagseed grow 400whps

    I think it is genetics, the last one I did from this bag grew 7.5x its height in flowering. I though it was cause of the CFL's I was useing It was 4.5" when I flowered it in my old box and it got to 34". I hope it stops or i'm gonna have to tie it over like my last one, I though upgradeing to a...
  15. This Guy

    2nd bagseed grow 400whps

    Im not to sure over the streching, my last grow with CFL's with the same bag seed streached the same. I've kept the light between 8"-14" the hole time, I DID veg with the HPS but only to 15" or so before flower. One is 59" the other is 44" and from the same bag.
  16. This Guy

    2nd bagseed grow 400whps

    This is my second grow and this time I have a 400w HPS. 6 weeks from germ, 3 weeks flowering useing FFOF and FF nutes and now using molasses every non-nute watering, a little behind on the flowering cause I had to transplant 1.5 weeks into flowering (oops) So, how do they look? I'm feeling...