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  1. P

    what is the best water to use?

    plants don't want oxygen. they want co2. they produce oxygen. biology 101.
  2. P

    Help me sex my plants!

    Here are some new pics of my girl. Lots of white hairs popping up! And I took a nice pic of my last male before he got the can.
  3. P

    Help me sex my plants!

    there are a lot of seeds.... its def a hermi/male. it got the ax. damn. yeah no humidity dome, but my box is pretty humid. guess not enough.
  4. P

    Is this a hermi?

    She was going strong as a female! Or so I thought.... what happened???
  5. P

    Help me sex my plants!

    Um.... Where did these seeds come from?! Do I have a hermi on my hands?? She was my tallest one!! My clones also did not work out too well.... This pic was from last night, and they've only gotten droopier :(
  6. P

    First Grow Log - Problems already

    Looks like you have a nitrogen deficiency. My leaves were turning yellow and I bought Fox Farm that was high in Nitrogen and they were cured in 2 days. Get the blue Fox Farm that has 6.0% N and youll notice and immediate difference!
  7. P

    Help me sex my plants!

    HAH! Thanks benton. I needed a fan, and there she was!
  8. P

    Help me sex my plants!

    Thank you! And yeah, I just know, there are a lot of different ways to grow and just wanted to see if anyone had any recommendations ;)
  9. P

    Help me sex my plants!

    I'm also, going to look into cloning off these girls today No idea how! If anyone knows any good sites, I'd appreciate it!
  10. P

    Help me sex my plants!

    On day 9 of 12/12 flowering now. Both girls are 12.5" Instead of taking the 2 extra lights out, I lowered 2 bulbs to light from underneath. Hopefully the increase in light coverage gives me a bigger yield! My bulbs are 1 2700K/75w equiv/1300lumens and 1 2700K/100w equiv/17500lumens on...
  11. P

    Help me sex my plants!

    2 WAS FEMALE! (1st pic is 2, 2nd pic is 4) Good thing I didn't cut her down! Thanks everyone :) Yeah, I was wondering about what I'm going to do about more seeds to start another round... and I didn't want to build another box just to grow a male for seeds... I think it's too late to cut off to...
  12. P

    Help me sex my plants!

    Will do. Thanks! Theyre dark for a few more hours and Ill check on them. Here I thought 4 was the runt... she was so slow starting off and has been the shortest. Guess it's true males usually grow taller faster!
  13. P

    Help me sex my plants!

    Will do. Thanks! Theyre dark for a few more hours and Ill check on them. Here I thought 4 was the runt... she was so slow starting off and has been the shortest. Guess it's true males usually grow taller faster!
  14. P

    Help me sex my plants!

    Awesome! That's what I was thinking too... Thanks everyone! I cut down 1 and 3... RIP. 2 I'm going to give another day. 4 is def a female. :) At least 1 got 1 right?
  15. P

    Help me sex my plants!

    Hi all! I am currently on day 8 of 12/12 lighting/flowering after vegging for 6 weeks and am starting to see signs of the sex of my plants! I snapped a pic of each of my 4 plants. They range between 10"-15". I'm pretty sure I know what they are, and I'm not too pleased... but I'm not sure if...
  16. P

    NEWBIE! Yellow leaves! Feedback needed! (pics)

    Actont, something to add?
  17. P

    NEWBIE! Yellow leaves! Feedback needed! (pics)

    Awesome. Just bought some fert with 6.0% N. any thoughts on the sex? Or too soon?
  18. P

    NEWBIE! Yellow leaves! Feedback needed! (pics)

    I was afraid to use at full strength, cause I read about burning them when they're so young. I'm giving them about 1/4 the suggested serving on the bottle, every other... Next time I water (prob mon/tues) ill give them 4 tbs/gal. Heading out to buy a digital reader now. I had a hard time with...
  19. P

    NEWBIE! Yellow leaves! Feedback needed! (pics)

    So I should get a fert that's high in nitrogen? I had the lights closer but I moved them up a little because they stopped growing up, just wider. Theyre about 3-4 inches from the top of the plants. Move them back down you think? Thanks for ur response :)
  20. P

    NEWBIE! Yellow leaves! Feedback needed! (pics)

    Hey everyone, So I've been looking up yellow leaves online and I found a mix of answers: that it's normal and that it could be serious. They have been very healthy up until the last few days when this started.... and it seems to be getting worse. They also look to be kinda droopy, and I...