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  1. T

    DWC-Test Grow

    First, Let me tell you that your service is greatly APPRECIATED! Thanks!! I grew with soil before but that was years ago and it takes to long, then started a Hydro setup but never got the chance to finish since the whole system failed. The setup that I started out with on this batch was...
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    DWC-Test Grow

    I think it was early enough that they didn't open up. I payed close attention to them until i figured they were males and then took them out. I have a magnifying glass and a 60x-100x microscope that I use. I heard that males can show up with the blink of an eye and since I don't work and just go...
  3. T

    Test Grow

    Well, I've got some good news and bad news. First let me say what's going on now. I transitioned into flowering for two weeks with half and half Pro Grow and Pro Bloom. The Lights have been 12/12 and yesterday I started them on full strength bloom nutrients. I also moved thme to a new bigger...
  4. T

    DWC-Test Grow

    Well, I've got some good news and bad news. First let me say what's going on now. I transitioned into flowering for two weeks with half and half Pro Grow and Pro Bloom. The Lights have been 12/12 and yesterday I started them on full strength bloom nutrients. I also moved thme to a new bigger...
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    DWC-Test Grow

    Hey guys, I was in the military so It's been a while since I grew or able to smoke regularly(over 12 years). This is my "trial" setup so I can get all the kinks out of the way before I graduate to a better strain. I wanted to get some direct tips, recomendations and/or comments. I am currently...
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    Pre-Grow test run

    I've been growing for a couple of months now and used some regular bag seed and a higher grade seed as a test run till i graduate to higher grade plants. After researching the net I came across articles which said that bag weed is just grow conditions that have gone bad. Just use some regular...
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    Test Grow

    Hey guys, I was in the military so It's been a while since I grew or able to smoke regularly(over 12 years). This is my "trial" setup so I can get all the kinks out of the way before I graduate to a better strain. I wanted to get some direct tips, recomendations and/or comments. I am currently...
  8. T

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey guys, I was in the military so It's been a while since I grew or able to smoke regularly(over 12 years). This is my "trial" setup so I can get all the kinks out of the way before I graduate to a better strain. I wanted to get some direct tips, recomendations and/or comments. I am...