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  1. Z

    helo! ):

  2. Z

    helo! ):

    tthis is the best i could do
  3. Z

    helo! ):

    my plants are yellowing and the tips are dying on the leaves idk what it could be what can i do to fix this? its on a 24/0 auto organic everything help!
  4. Z

    Yields Are So Little?

    ok there are a few buds that are finished on the plant should i cut them down and let the other ones finish up? and is this not normal?
  5. Z

    Yields Are So Little?

    i definately will look around for a 150w hps till i can get a better one. would u prefer a 400w or 600w for 4-6 plants in my future grow?
  6. Z

    Yields Are So Little?

    just took a rip aand fruity as i exhaled. lovely. note: this is my first successfull grow hope all goes well from now on :)
  7. Z

    Yields Are So Little?

    here are some more pics how long do u think till shes ready? i also cut a bottom piece off to leave it dry and do a few bong rips bongsmilie
  8. Z

    Yields Are So Little?

    i will upgrade to hps soon im trying to pull atleast 30g an auto
  9. Z

    Yields Are So Little?

    4x 42 watt cfl havent got enough money for a hps yet but if i were to buy like a 150hps light would that need a ballast? and its in a 2 gal container and using foxfarm for soil temp is around 70-73 if thats okay. also an airking fan i just bought a few weeks back
  10. Z

    Yields Are So Little?

    okay so we got rid of the bugs as soon as flowerr started here are some pics and i might need some answers :P Q:how long do you think i have left? will my buds fatten up at all? and when should i flush? Thanks! :-P
  11. Z

    Yields Are So Little?

    ok so my relative has been growing some autos and everytime it flowers and starts to bud the buds do not grow as much they stay real little and it doesnt get crystaly. i know he has had bugs and i dont think he was doing anything about it could this be the problem?
  12. Z

    Autoberry 1st Grow.(Help Needed) Pics!

    Ok so now its looking not as good. whatever it is its spreading quick. anyone know a solution? help please!
  13. Z

    Autoberry 1st Grow.(Help Needed) Pics!

    thanks. this is my 1st grow for both the bigger one i am very satisfied with. not sure on how the auto is going to turn out tho
  14. Z

    Autoberry 1st Grow.(Help Needed) Pics!

    37 views still no answer?
  15. Z

    Autoberry 1st Grow.(Help Needed) Pics!

    Hey everyone i just started my autoberry about 2 1/2 weeks ago im running it on a 20/4 light sched. here are some pictures. i also posted pics of my bagseed plant that i planted 2 months ago shes doing great! :blsmoke: :Question: What are the brown spots on my leaves being caused from? and...
  16. Z

    I really need help with my first grow!!!

    Hey guys here is another picture that i just took. Sorry it may look yellow on the leaves but its not. There is no yellow at all everything is green. It was jist the lighting
  17. Z

    I really need help with my first grow!!!

    Thanks for the help. I will definately be looking into his videos
  18. Z

    I really need help with my first grow!!!

    Sorry im on my phone but heres a link to what im working with. Thi is the seed i got from my bag
  19. Z

    I really need help with my first grow!!!

    That is what im doing now. I found only one seed out of my last bag an planted it last friday it seems to be going okay.
  20. Z

    I really need help with my first grow!!!

    Thanks for all the advice. I will do what you guys have said. When i start my grow i will be sure to keep you guy updated on it. If you have any tips or anything it will be helpful and is greatly appreciated lol