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  1. LBBear

    Louis xiii grow 2010

    Your Louie looks just like mine in structure. Really tight nodes and wide set leafs :)
  2. LBBear

    1200w LED (SG602 x4) / large scale SWC System

    Well Everyone, thanks for the support and interest but unfortunately the grow is done. It was a good run, well, no it wasn't lol. So the hot water heater in my house busted and when the repair men came to fix it, they broke a pipe and drained 100 gallons of water into my house. The grow is done...
  3. LBBear

    1200w LED (SG602 x4) / large scale SWC System

    Sorry for the delay. I lost all my privileges after the changes were made to the site. It wouldn't even let me post on my thread. After a few messages with the admin, I'm back! lol. So things are looking good so far. To answer your question about the blue... yes, the lights have blue in them...
  4. LBBear

    Louis xiii grow 2010

    Lookin' good man. Congrats on the Louie. So far so good!
  5. LBBear

    1200w LED (SG602 x4) / large scale SWC System

    You're definitely right, I started Scroging yesterday. Here's a few updated, better pics. Everything is going goodat about week 2. everything seems to be doing better now that its dialed in and im not torturing everything. Round two is looking way better than round one. Gonna start flowering...
  6. LBBear

    1200w LED (SG602 x4) / large scale SWC System

    Hey thanks for all the input and info crunkyeah. I was really skeptical about buying these lights at first. I was doing a ton of research about LEDs when I happen to come across a craigslist add for some stealthgrow panels. I went to check it out and it was the reps for stealthgrow selling them...
  7. LBBear

    Axjnkee's LED Grow

    Dam, Those are some great lookin ladies. I can't believe how hard people hate. If you can reduce most of your heat, eliminate A/C, cut your wattage and cost in half, and then cut the haste of bulbs, balasts, hoods and vents out... Dam, ill take that 20% cut. Then I hear from most people that...
  8. LBBear

    Led Users Unite!

    I'm just starting my perpetual 1200 watt High output LED opp. a 4x4 Veg tent with one SG602 and a 4x8 flower tent with x3 SG602s. All 3 systems are SWC (shallow water culture). I guess we'll soon see...
  9. LBBear

    Get High With Your Kids!

    I never truly had a bond with my father until we started smoking together. Couldn't agree more.
  10. LBBear

    1200w LED (SG602 x4) / large scale SWC System

    So I'm definitely a newb here. This is my first time posting on RIU. Long time reader tho. I guess I"m just curious if anyone has done anything similar to this or any kind of SWC (Shallow Water Culture) system. In my experiences, and for simplicity sake, I like the thought of a plant tapping...
  11. LBBear

    HomeMade DIY show off your best idea!

    Here's My DIY 24 site Drip/Shallow Water Culture system. Each system can be used with as little as 10 gallons of water. Its a good way to do large scale DWC grows without the crazy amounts of water. The resivor is on a constant shallow cycle, keeping the nute solution mixed and evenly...
  12. LBBear

    Led Users Unite!

    I'm Excited to try my 4 new SG602 2watt chip LED panels. If anyone is interested, Maybe i'll start a journal. I know im curious to see what 1200 watts of high output LED panels will produce :)
  13. LBBear

    Cutting off leaves 6 weeks flowering spider mites

    I have this problem 5 weeks into flower. I chop the real infested leafs and my plants bounce back just fine.
  14. LBBear

    Green Crack Clones Socal

    I picked up my Crack baby's At a place in Belmont shore in Long Beach.