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  1. HashHands

    another "how long" thread (pics)

    This site already holds all the answers :bigjoint: Basically, once your lady's trichomes are cloudy, YOU personally, decide when you cut it down. (once flushed of course) People like their bud's trichomes to be...
  2. HashHands

    help on a hard, couch lock Indica please!

    take a look at seedfinders strain wizard and other tools that help you find strains. It's pretty fun actually and their strain database and lineage is killer! but for CBD Strains look into Omrita, Harlequin, Cannatonic, and Sour Tsunami I...
  3. HashHands

    Northern California Outdoor Grow 2012. Many Strains.

    some of those pictuers are looking pretty healthy =] if start your spraying for insects/mildew as soon as the transplants are out of shock you'll be thanking yourself later in the season. and if you aren't already feeding nitrogen you definitely should start since they got in a little late by...