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  1. jlt84

    I think it's time to harvest but I'm not sure, could use some suggestions

    oh and the yield turned out great also I have about twice what's in here starting to cure and 3 to 4 times that still drying from the rest of the plant, can't wait to see the effects of that part of the plant!
  2. jlt84

    I think it's time to harvest but I'm not sure, could use some suggestions

    Everything seemed to work out great, the first harvest has exactly the effects I was hoping for. Let the rest of it grow another almost 2 weeks so that might give me the mellow relaxed kind of hi I'd be looking for other times thanks for all the great advice....except for Collisto's Orbit. I...
  3. jlt84

    I think it's time to harvest but I'm not sure, could use some suggestions

    yeah I only did half the plant. I'm going to give the rest another 2 maybe 3 week especially because of the shock of removing what I removed.
  4. jlt84

    I think it's time to harvest but I'm not sure, could use some suggestions

    decided to go ahead and harvest hope I did the right thing
  5. jlt84

    I think it's time to harvest but I'm not sure, could use some suggestions

    I'm pretty sure it's time to harvest most of the hairs except for maybe 1 or 2 on a bud are orange and some are a dark brown. I don't want it to mature all the way because I still want to have a functional high. I don't have a powerful magnifying glass so I can't get a very close up look at the...
  6. jlt84

    Changed light cycle in Nov., when to harvest????

    Things turned out ok, and thanks dark destruction I think they are more potent now too
  7. jlt84

    Changed light cycle in Nov., when to harvest????

    The trichomes are what are also referred to as crystals right? sorry this is my first actual serious growth since the last time which was about 6 years ago and I didn't take it as seriously as I am this time. But if I have that right there looking pretty good they're all over on the buds and on...
  8. jlt84

    Changed light cycle in Nov., when to harvest????

    I changed my light cycle on Nov. 5th but it didnt start to show anything until Nov. 26th. To harvest at 6-8 weeks do I go by the change of cycle or when it actually started to show? The middle to the top of the plant has the orange redish hairs all over so I know I should harvest it soon and...
  9. jlt84

    Help I need to change my lighting schedule!!

    cool thanks everyone that is some really helpful info... I was a little worried, and I also didn't know they smell more in the dark but it makes sense though I think I've realized it without actually realizing it. And mistyriffs yeah it's my place and I don't think weed is a big deal at all but...
  10. jlt84

    Help I need to change my lighting schedule!!

    no I mean I'm not able to give it any light it's going to be locked away pretty much. why would I use an incandescent bulb it doesn't have the spectrum I need for my plant??? I just need to know if being in the dark that long will throw it completely out of whack. from what I've read while I've...
  11. jlt84

    1st grow, help with bloom nutrients!

    Hey I might need to harvest I need to flush the soil still few a couple weeks....its not organic right???
  12. jlt84

    Help I need to change my lighting schedule!!

    My family had an emergency and had to move in, and i need to hide my plant maybe for as long as 2 days in the dark while I figure out how to keep it growing while still hidden!!! I'm only maybe 2 weeks from harvesting, any suggestions on what to do about this and if it will impact my plant to...
  13. jlt84

    Flowering stage failure!?!

    Mine took a while to flower also, I started the flowering in early Nov. and it took about 20 days to show its first hairs and the transplanting will definitely cause it to take longer. I'm also using the 11/13 light cycle and it working great for me. I didn't have any root problems by using a...
  14. jlt84

    landlord issue, advice needed

    yeah just give them what ever light you can today and keep them on the same cycle
  15. jlt84

    landlord issue, advice needed

    It depends on how many plants you have, if you can put your box in the corner or against the wall with some like you said blankets over it and if you have some of those large rubbermaid storage boxes put some of your clothes and other stuff in them and put them by your box. The key to...
  16. jlt84

    1st grow, help with bloom nutrients!

    hey sorry to ask so many questions but this is my first time using nutrients. but I'm at home depot and the schultz you mentioned says its for cactus? is this the right one? And what does 2-7-7 mean because the other one says 10-15-10?
  17. jlt84

    Nutrients when your resources are low?

    I used miracle grow 6 month released moisture control as my soil. with their being nutrients in the soil do I have to worry about trying to flush the plant with clear water before harvesting like I would if I used nutrients on it??? I read I would have to if I used the miracle grow bloom booster...
  18. jlt84

    1st grow, help with bloom nutrients!

    do you have to order that online? The only store I have around me that has a decent garden center is a home depot and I read on another site that anything with bloom in the title would be something ok to use....
  19. jlt84

    1st grow, help with bloom nutrients!

    this is my first grow too but I dont have access to any good garden stores where I live, I've been using Miracle-gro 6 month release moisture control soil. Does anyone know if Miracle-gro Shake 'n Feed Bloom Booster will work at least ok to boost my budding?