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  1. S

    How do they look?

    I had to trigger them early because im leaving on the 6th. I pinched a tiny bud today and split it with a friend it got us high I think this will be bad ass once its done too bad I wont be here. I plan on passing them of to my friend but I will smoke the best looking one just befor I go. hehehe...
  2. S

    How do they look?

    Just wondering what yall think of these plants they seem to be slow but looking good to me I'm guessing that these were planted within a week of october 21st so that makes them 8 weeks old. I dont remember when they went to 12/12 maby 2-3 weeks ago. I have them in some dirt I got from outside...
  3. S

    how soon can I start 12/12?

    You think its because there all together? I have 8 plants in one pot. its about 2.8 feet long. It wasnt the best idea, but by the time I realized that its a bad idea I figured there roots had spread to far to get them apart without F'in them up so im just going to leave it alone and train them...
  4. S

    how soon can I start 12/12?

    Damn, this site wont let me edit my posts now.I hate dialupCheck this out. here is a pic of a plant I have that about 2 weeks ago stalled out just stoped growing at the first node. I was about to kill it, then 4 or so days ago it split. Like they do when you top them, But I didnt do shit to it...
  5. S

    how soon can I start 12/12?

    thanks for the info on the cloning, I want to get a real grow going one day. Get me a place waaayy back in the woods and do large scale grow.guerilla style.. when living get's tough people will still smoke weed.and I'll have the most.Its the most profitable cash crop I'll ever do.:blsmoke: . LOL...
  6. S

    how soon can I start 12/12?

    Yea they seemed to respond well to the MG. It has about the right amounts of npk. my theory with the chicken liter on the botom was if they want the nitrogen its there if they dont then they just dont put roots there. Cloning, do you have to have that rooting powder stuff people talk about or...
  7. S

    how soon can I start 12/12?

    I would nut myself if I got that outa these mine is bagseed(good stuff tho).:-?
  8. S

    how soon can I start 12/12?

    No I tried to sattle them up one time and I guess they ate some of my weed that I planted along the fenceline. They seemed like they were havin a blast! but they were flipin out. I got steped on, that shit hurts!
  9. S

    how soon can I start 12/12?

    shit, I'd roll that up and smoke it if my horses ate weed!(they will if they find it trust me):hump: its just chewed up grass, it dont even smell. I also put about 2 inches of chicken litter (poo) in the bottom of the pot (lots of nitrogen)
  10. S

    how soon can I start 12/12?

    Will horse poop soaked in their water be enough for fertelizer? or do I need somthing else? I used miracle grow before I knew better, but only half of what they recomened. :blsmoke::blsmoke:
  11. S

    how soon can I start 12/12?

    Hot damn!! that was FAST! like 5 minuets. this forum kicks ass. thanks for the help. did I mention that they are only like 4 inches high? does that matter? for the light they get thay aint stretching one bit. Maryjanedoe: your avitar made me laugh, ya look like this wierd friend I had. Him and...
  12. S

    how soon can I start 12/12?

    My girls are 3 weeks 3days old (guessing) and about 4 nodes high (would be 5 now but I topped em). How long before I can do 12/12 and start flowering. I have 135W of Cfl(I'm workin on geting an HPS) I dont have time to let them grow big like I wanted as I may be going to mexico in january. I...
  13. S

    my babies are pale and cold

    I would just give them what they need. But what do I know....
  14. S

    Safety of 176 W through Cheapo Timer

    Well if you have used this timer to run your AC then im sure it can handle 175W thats really not much juice when its 120v I'd guess it at 1.4 amps. you dont want your extension cords to be exesively long as this can cause a voltage drop that can be a danger. I would not plug 2 cheap extension...