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  1. C

    Bug problem or nute problem?

    I have calmag so I will be using that, as well as transplanting into new pot with new soil mix. Thank you!
  2. C

    Bug problem or nute problem?

    Trying to figure out why the leaves on my plants are looking like this. These came from a plant that is in veg. In my closet, lined with mylar, 400w MH, fox farm soil, 2 months old temp tends around 75-80.
  3. C

    Are these tiny male flowers?

    oh well. i have 8 more in veg, ill just pray theyre girls and pop them in the flowering tent. but lesson learned, i will never ever grow from seed again. i dont like male surprises.
  4. C

    Are these tiny male flowers?

    :-( that f***ing sucks.
  5. C

    Are these tiny male flowers?

    i I f they Are I'm going to cry. Because theyre on 3 out of 4 plants.
  6. C


    Which one is best? Both used, both cost around $200 off craigslist Option 1: Hood: Sun System Cool Sun XL Air-Cooled 8" Indoor Reflector | 904155 Hood Link: Ballast: Sun System 1 1000W Indoor Magnetic...
  7. C

    Rooting a clone in water and cloning solution-what now?

    Ok, so I topped my plants, and used that growth as clones (so I can sex them and see what's what) Of all that I did, only the experiment rooted- I cut it like normal, spilt the tip in half and dipped it in cloning gel, then-dropped it in a plastic juice bottle filled with water and cloning...
  8. C

    Can I veg/root clones with these lights?

    I'll check out that website too, thanks.
  9. C

    Can I veg/root clones with these lights?

    Well, my previously horribly wilted clones seem to like them. I'm not sure which- I ended up getting a 5 gallon bucket and putting the clones in, and clipping the LED light to the edge of the bucket, and kinda balancing the CFL right next to it, the light from both touching both plants. This...
  10. C

    Can I veg/root clones with these lights?

    Can I veg/root clones with these lights? 1) LED LIGHT: link: The EcoSmart 6 in. 9.5-Watt (65W) LED Down light Light Bulb (E)* produces 575 lumens with 9.5 watts of...
  11. C

    WHAT is WRONG with this plant? It's only getting worse! PLEASE HELP!!

    it looked like this BEFORE when it was only getting water. People told me to give it calmag and silica so I did, and it got worse. But it was looking this way before it got anything, just now its a little crispier. Before the calmag I was never giving nutes, only ph water and superthrive, bc...
  12. C

    WHAT is WRONG with this plant? It's only getting worse! PLEASE HELP!!

    SETUP: Sun Hut 400W MH Fox Farms Ocean Forest 7 gallon container Also, it was getting too tall, so I tied down some of the taller stems to the outer edge of the bucket with twist ties. It was recently transplanted (almost two weeks ago now) and began to struggle then, I'm guessing bc the soil...
  13. C

    Growing well, but new growth pale green/yellow? * PHOTOS*

    What deficiency is this? I don't want to guess wrong and stunt their growth. Fox Farms soil 400w mh 2x4 tent still no nutes water every third day with ph 7.5 or 8 water (soil is super low PH, this evens out the ph) with 2 drops of superthrive added
  14. C

    White ...residue on leaves after foliar spray **PHOTOS**

    Thanks! I thought it was from the ferts, too. I did actually spray with water but it just dried in a different place. I do not however think it is powdery mildew, it doesnt move when I rub it unless it is wet.
  15. C

    White ...residue on leaves after foliar spray **PHOTOS**

    I foliar sprayed them, and now where there might have been water droplets is this white residue stuff. If I wet it I can rub/peel it off, but if the leaf is dry rubbing it doesnt affect it. I thought it was salt buildup but can find nothing to confirm that. Maybe I have hard water? Please help.
  16. C

    Seedlings Growing, but edges are yellow/brittle? *PHOTOS* (Around 6 weeks old)

    My seedlings (6 weeks old according to the guy I got them from) are growing, but I think they are stunted in growth. I had them for two weeks before I began to see any new growth, and in the second week I had them, I nute burned a few. People here told me to toss them and start over, but I...
  17. C

    HELP!!! Seedlings with curled & Crispy Leaves. PHOTOS

    ok, thank you for your help. I'm going to just get some clones this time.
  18. C

    HELP!!! Seedlings with curled & Crispy Leaves. PHOTOS

    HELP!!! My seedlings have curled & Crispy Leaves. Nute Burn? Or Over/underwatering? My moisture tester says the soil is at about 2.0...some of them look ok, others are crispy like this one. What is wrong??? These are ipod pix will post better ones later after my camera battery charges.