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  1. B

    Paradise Seedss "Vertigo"

    That sucks man, hopefully it doesnt happen again to you. But we learn from our mistakes. I been smoking the vertigo all day man and it is defonetly the strongest auto i have grown, so packed with crystals and sticky to the extreme. When ground in grinder has lovely pinnapple smell, really...
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    Paradise Seedss "Vertigo"

    Eager to see your smoke report, i just chopped my vertigo. Was 400w HPS in coco fed on coco A&B plus bigbud in last 2 weeks. Not very happy with the size roughly be 20g or so when dried but very smelly and sticky. Surprised how quick it been about 55days from seed and been caked in crystals for...
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    4 different strains, 2 having problems

    Yeah i will try that misnu thanks. Jack i just trying to find a strain thats easy to look after that why im trying different strains, you will notice in first pics one plant is doing really well so i will be buying more of those and work on just one strain at a time in future. this multi strain...
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    4 different strains, 2 having problems

    sorry couldnt post last night, here is some pics i took with the lights off... as you will notice i cut off the worst of the yellow bits last night using sterilised scissors. i not sure whats happening, if you can help would be appreciated
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    4 different strains, 2 having problems

    I dont really have any cash to buy ph control stuff straight way as i jacked my job when first crop arrived, is there any way to change it using household goods, i dont think its the ph but i will need to learn how to control the ph soon so it on my shopping list. Im not sure if its nute burn...
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    4 different strains, 2 having problems

    it was 6.1, i only have a test kit and nothing to change ph with?
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    4 different strains, 2 having problems

    Im doing my 2nd grow in coco and since ive started feeding them one plant started to yellow about a week ago, i flushed it and 2 days ago another strain started getting yellow tipped leaves. There is not much sign of improvement since i flushed it and i will post some pics as i dont know if it...
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    CFL & HPS housing

    thanks for info BillyBob, well appreciated. I think i will stick with the hps escpecially for flowering, just need some help with the vegging light and i think cfl might be the answer. Those pricey bulbs do put me off though. I think i will source some 26w bulbs and fittings and see what i can...
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    CFL & HPS housing

    if i take the ballast out the loop and plug direct to mains via kettle lead or something i dont think it would matter if its 400w CFL or 250w cfl. Thanks for your advice though, i probably stick with HPS for now but i can tell that when i put 10-15 day old babies into 400w HPS from there 36w...
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    CFL & HPS housing

    Im thinking The CFL would plug into mains (no need for ballast) so all i might need is a 400w cfl bulb and a cable to plug into mains power instead of plugging into ballast. Please correct me if im wrong IMPORTANT. Please never mess around with your electrical items as its very dangerous, get...
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    CFL & HPS housing

    I have a 400w HPS light which i got with a 400w ballast. I notice my plants aint vegging to well under the HPS. Im wondering if it would be possible to change the bulb to a 400w CFL for vegging? or would i need to buy a new housing and ballast for the 400w CFL? Your help would be much...
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    Northern Lights X BB auto & Speed Devil auto

    Great job. Your set up is really inspiring to those looking to start out. Also like the way you have structured your journal as alot of journal's are'nt as well updated as yours. I also started same NL strain as you 10 days ago, along with 3 other strains. NL is by far looking the best, i did...