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  1. ThoseDamnKids

    Hygrozyme during first of two weeks of flushing??

    Hygrozyme if used too late in flower can extend your flower cycle. when it breaks down the old beat up roots it turns it into food (nitrogen). When i first used it my flowering cycles were extended for 1 to 2 weeks. now i completely cutoff hygrozyme at last 3 weeks. flush week i water with...
  2. ThoseDamnKids

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    i run the whole line except for algen extract, magic green and drip clean. i use RO so i add calmag for the calcium. thinking of switching from the shooting powder to MOAB from MadFarmer, anyone currently using this with good results?
  3. ThoseDamnKids

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    there are bennies in roots excelurator and i add a tsp of greatwhite per gal every other feed for the first 4 weeks of a 10wk strain (adjust by strain) along with a tsp of molasses per gal to feed those bennies
  4. ThoseDamnKids

    Medical Scrog 2.0

    whats up with these half ass journals?