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  1. B

    Air Mail

    If I could reach out an BITCH SLAP Your Ass Dex... I WOULD You Mouthy little PIECE of WORK !!! YOU are a GREAT example of WHY even going into FORUMS and commenting is INSANE. There is ALWAYS some IGNORANT MOUTHPIECE who wants to type in some slanderous attack again the O P You, You little...
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    Barney's Coffeeshop - Tangerine Dream

    I don't do..TALL and Branchy....... SEA OF GREEN Trip @ 1 week/Heads Only
  3. B

    Air Mail

    Did You hear how MUCH Coke Charlie Sheen did ?? Enough to Kill 2 and 1/2 men.. for starters..."I"...don't "touch" anything... WINNING...
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    Air Mail

    .,,. O.o .,!,. :o:hump:
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    Barney's Coffeeshop - Tangerine Dream

    I got about 6 cuttings down on the 1st one when I realized I FORGOT to snap a picture of HER :shock: I was eye high with er... Sooo... 50 heads in a tray...:clap: 13th week In... 3 months 3 TD Mothers
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    Barney's Coffeeshop - Tangerine Dream

    Right.... week 6 starts tomorrow The 3 that I have going of the 5 I started, are Female so ALL came out Fem. 1 died from shock/drown, 1 cracked LATE and never came up. Started 1 of the bonus seeds, a Kandy Kush. It's Female too. Actually, the KK is NICE !!!! Showed 3 days before TD. Started a...
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    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Someone has taken a offence to my presence.. NOT COOL
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    Barney's Coffeeshop - Tangerine Dream

    So, since I have gotten NO RESPONSE from Barneys' IAM going to start reproducing rolls of these decals....;-) Got My Editor ON IT.... Might screen some shirts off too...
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    Legal Marijuana Challenge Denied

    Funny Stuff.... :eyesmoke:
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    Barney's Coffeeshop - Tangerine Dream

    Coming along WELL.. I think, since I have a Kandy Kush going as well, that IF / WHEN I get a Male, I will keep IT and sex one of the Females "Candied Oranges" .....;-) in about 8 months EH In this 2nd pic. you can clearly see a difference in the two plants. I say, of the three TD I have...
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    Barney's Coffeeshop - Tangerine Dream

    2 Weeks..... NO, IAM Not starting a Journal..
  12. B

    What's That Burning Smell ???!!

    Here's my story...growroom almost / had a fire in it.. I have some plant pots in back room where IAM starting seeds I went in there doing some maintenance, smoked a Joint. Came back into the next room and sat down at my computer and after a few minutes I could smell something.... I thought it...
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    Tangerine Dream not germinating

    Same...LOOK Immature... 4 out of 5 germinated. Good Ol' Paper towel and a Zip Loc bag :leaf: NO COMPLAINTS :leaf:
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    Barney's Coffeeshop - Tangerine Dream

    Arrived TODAY...HAPPY New Year...Started.