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  1. R

    Something is wrong with my plant

    I try to get it atleast 11-12 hours of light a day and I am about 3-4 weeks into flower right now, Im just gonna let it finish in that soil its been transplanted a lot since I've gotten back home lol but Im curious to see my Auto Super Bud grow in the soil seems to be doing ok lol
  2. R

    Something is wrong with my plant

    yes well this is the first plant I've taken care of my grew it before I came back home and she left me to care for it now that I am back I have an Auto Super Bud growing in MGMC soil as well so i guess i should use the MG bloom ferts my mom has with the soil as well right or would that matter?
  3. R

    Something is wrong with my plant

    I also took some clones from one plant that i accidentally topped which ended up giving 4 more main branches but that one seems to be doing fine in the MG just gotta reveg for awhile
  4. R

    Something is wrong with my plant

    perhaps tomorrow I shall just have fan blow on the soil all day for the next couple days to dry it out
  5. R

    Something is wrong with my plant

    I did let it after the first flush just not sure if the High Nitrogen is gonna effect its flowering dont really have any other soil to put it into @.@
  6. R

    Something is wrong with my plant

    Hello RUI community! There is something wrong with my plant and I'm not sure what to do this plant has been through some rough times it's just a bag seed though so it's my practice plant. So this leaves are curling down making a canoe shape with clawing as well. It is growing in Mircale Grow...
  7. R

    Clawing and Canoeing Effects

    She is about a week into flowering and she started showing signs of The Claw and also has been Canoeing down. It is growing in Miracle Grow Moisture Control Soil. I'm using GH Flora Grow series. Will the affects of The Claw and Canoeing eventually go away?
  8. R

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello, long time smoker first time grower I've got about 3 plants going all are around 2 ft+ it is an Cannabis Indica but I have no clue as to what kind of strain it is. I'm not sure if its a good strain or bad strain does that even matter?