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  1. E

    First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)

    Hey guys, it's me again. I just wanted to post an update as it's been a couple months since i started all this. I'm attaching one picture so you can see how they are doing. They are quite healthy. The Xbox controller is there to give you an idea of the scale. Comments and questions are welcome...
  2. E

    First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)

    I added about half a teaspoon to a liter of water. I'm working on a different setup for later, I'm not worried about them being exposed to light, I have my bases covered.
  3. E

    First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)

    These are the newest pic. My plants got a little nutrient burn after I added the emulsion so I flushed them and they are looking a lot better. Sorry it's been so long since an update. If you guys want more pics let me know and I can take some more. As before, if anyone has questions, feel free...
  4. E

    First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)

    That's a sweet setup dude. What is the white material you use for reflecting light? Mylar?
  5. E

    First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)

    Awesome man, thanks for everything. Everyone else who helped too, thanks. I will post updates in this thread in the next few days, so long as this doesn't 404. I'm going to add some nutes next time I water them so maybe we will see some nice drastic growth. If anyone has questions about my...
  6. E

    First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)

    Price-wise that sounds manageable. How long can I keep vegetating before I need to upgrade? Also, I live in Canada where the winters are not too friendly. If I'm pumping air in from the outside a lot, won't that lower the temperature too much for the plants? Or is venting in from the rest of the...
  7. E

    First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)

    Yeah, I've been kind of excited about all this lol. I've wanted to do it for a while and taking pictures is pretty easy. I'd be happy to update this thread every so often if it is still around. This forum seems quite busy and I don't know if my thread will 404 before I get a chance to update.
  8. E

    First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)

    Growing area is kind of small. It's in my bedroom so I'm not really prepared to put holes in anything or get rid of my door. I would be willing to buy a stronger fan or two for ventilation though. How much is a small HPS like the one you mentioned?
  9. E

    First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)

    I'm not sure how long I want them to veg for. I would like to see them grow big and strong but DDub mentioned that maybe I should switch to flowering sooner because of the limitations of CFLs. I'm still thinking about it and am going to do a little more research before any decisions are made...
  10. E

    First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)

    Thanks for the great advice. I would like to see them grow a few feet if possible. I'm willing to invest some more money into lighting if I need to. It's not all about the harvest remember, I'm doing it as a hobby of sorts. Would growing them much taller be extremely difficult/expensive? You're...
  11. E

    First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)

    I'm no expert but it could be simple genetics. I might have a strain that grows faster or larger than yours. This site is full of great advice though, so if you haven't spent a couple hours looking through it, I strongly recommend that you do.
  12. E

    First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)

    Thanks buddy. I really appreciate everyone's input and advice and am impressed at how quickly I got responses. Again, this is a great site, keep it up guys. The instructions on the fertilizer say that I should add 5ml to every litre. Would it be safe to simply add that amount to the regular...
  13. E

    First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)

    Thanks dude! Currently I filter my plants' water the same way I filter my own - with a Brita filter intended for drinking water. I then let the water sit for a day just to be sure all the fluoride, or whatever there is in tap water, is out. I use a spray bottle to administer the water. Will...
  14. E

    First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)

    Right now I am using 4 CFLs at pretty close range but I think I am going to double that soon. I was fortunate to have some scrap metal stuff lying around my house that is very flexible, so I formed that around the plants and some aluminum foil over top to keep as much light in as possible. I...
  15. E

    First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)

    Hi guys, First, I'd like to thank everyone who takes part in this forum. I lurked for a while and found some really valuable information. This is a great resource. I was given two seeds by a friend and had always wanted to try growing a plant or two so I figured this was a great opportunity...