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  1. smokedaddy

    A Few Cloning Questions

    thanks for the advice dude! hopefully i did this propperly... only time will tell. how long usually would i wait for them to take root?
  2. smokedaddy

    A Few Cloning Questions

    Hi Peeps! this is my first grow and i've just getting confirmation that it is a female. (woop!) i was wondering if it is possible to clone the plant now that it has started flowering? it started flowering about 10 days ago also is there any way of harvesting the plant without cutting the...
  3. smokedaddy

    plant sexing help???

    aprox 11 weeks old, has been in 12/12 light cycle for abot 3 weeks now
  4. smokedaddy

    plant sexing help???

    Hi Peeps! got what i hope is confirmation of Female....(please agree lol)
  5. smokedaddy

    Nutes for flowering help?

    hi poeple! wondering if any1 could help. i'm on a really tight budget, and can't afford any nutrients for my grow. i got some tomatoe feed from a freind and was wondering if i could use this during flowering, the NPK is 4-4-12. i know it's not really the right quantities, but would it do any...
  6. smokedaddy

    plant sexing help???

    awesome guys, hope it is female (obviously) i'll post a few new pics in the next week or so if all is gud
  7. smokedaddy

    plant sexing help???

    Hi, was wondering if anyone could help me, is this male, female, or is it just too early to tell? this is my first grow, theplants about 9 weeks old, i started a 12/12 light cycle 13 days ago.