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  1. S rock! I really appreciate the help. rock! I really appreciate the help.
  2. S list I mean nutrients, the cool stuff you have wrapped around the AG..everything. ok... list I mean nutrients, the cool stuff you have wrapped around the AG..everything. ok now I'm
  3. S

    Hey there any way that i can bother you for a complete list of additional items I will...

    Hey there any way that i can bother you for a complete list of additional items I will need from the hydroponic store or Home Depot? I have all the nutrients that comes with the tomato plant package. I truly appreciate your help bud...your plants look amazing. I'll be ordering the ak...
  4. S

    Aerogarden ULTRA

    Thanks...your link and the other posts are helping a lot. I will add pics soon:weed:
  5. S

    Aerogarden ULTRA

    Hey guys...I recently purchased a AG Utra....I am a very first time grower and really need some sort of step by step with tips assistance. I know someone will probably give me grief...but we all have to start and learn from somewhere. Please help or point me in the right direction. Ps..I...