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  1. SkeptikGrowz

    Noob Grower LF Professional Input (first grow)

    Pretty sure im talking to my self at this point But im actually surprised it looks like my yields going to hit the 500+g mark no problem at all
  2. SkeptikGrowz

    [First Grow] General Questions (Non-retarded)

    Do 3 plants and train them. my first grow is getting ready to harvest but yeh i got no real idea im having trouble atm it wont mature it seems I went with soil DWC just seems weak and imo HPS lights work best and you...
  3. SkeptikGrowz

    wish i had more room!

    wish i had more room!
  4. SkeptikGrowz

    Noob Grower LF Professional Input (first grow)

    maybe the light cycle got messed up but it seems like there not maturing the hairs are staying white for too long
  5. SkeptikGrowz

    Need ideas for personal grow

    ^^ that shit there is a master scrog i just done my frist grow its not that easy to do a master 2 pound scrog like that id like to know what that bitch was fed as well
  6. SkeptikGrowz

    Noob Grower LF Professional Input (first grow)

    waiting for some more hairs to turn amber it seems like its take too long ? so hard to see anything because of the lighting any input help tips about harvesting time would be appreciated read alot though so i think im pretty right im starting feed them straight water now for last 5 days
  7. SkeptikGrowz

    Noob Grower LF Professional Input (first grow)

    harvesting soon next 3-4 weeks
  8. SkeptikGrowz

    6 weeks old sat. and then im flipping switch 12/12 what do you all think

    yeh serisouly like 3-4 more weeks of veg will significantly increase yeild
  9. SkeptikGrowz

    6 weeks old sat. and then im flipping switch 12/12 what do you all think

    Would not yield much if you flipped them now not very big should set up a screen across the top of it. wish i did that with my current grow if thats only one plant you should scrog and veg for longer to max yeild imo.
  10. SkeptikGrowz

    Noob Grower LF Professional Input (first grow)

    Any neuts i can buy that will really boost the yeild? been using dutch master gold flower but its almost
  11. SkeptikGrowz

    Noob Grower LF Professional Input (first grow)

    Into flowering now one plant is alot better than the others :( the other where transplanted more and one is grown just is regular potting mix nothing added the biggest one :S and the other have alot of horse manure through the potting mix I wish they where all the size of the big one the...
  12. SkeptikGrowz

    Noob Grower LF Professional Input (first grow)

    Ill update with another short clip when the lights turn on.
  13. SkeptikGrowz

    Noob Grower LF Professional Input (first grow)

    10 Ounce would be sick :S but i dont know its not some sick strain ive got like 300+ seeds from a grow i did out doors last season. Id like know more about what strain i have in there anyway to tell.
  14. SkeptikGrowz

    Noob Grower LF Professional Input (first grow)

    Update 3 lights now back left is 400w hps back right is 600w Front light is 250w MH
  15. SkeptikGrowz

    Noob Grower LF Professional Input (first grow)

    anyone know what ill yeild roughly theres 5 females i think
  16. SkeptikGrowz

    Noob Grower LF Professional Input (first grow)

    hard to see anything with the hps lights
  17. SkeptikGrowz

    Noob Grower LF Professional Input (first grow)

    Updated Into flowing stage now not sure how long maybe 3 weels \
  18. SkeptikGrowz

    Noob Grower LF Professional Input (first grow)

    Like 7 males ive had i fucking so fucking anygry im never growing weed again fucking disgusting so fucking angry i have like2 females
  19. SkeptikGrowz

    Noob Grower LF Professional Input (first grow)

    i've been in veg now for like 4 weeks Ima change em to 12/12 tomorrow :S worried about the next power bill Im hoping if i flip em to 12/12 now ill get atleast 10oz for troubles :S still saving my self money if i only get 8!! 300$ per oz here Next grow im going to get 16 square pots :D Male seeds...
  20. SkeptikGrowz

    Noob Grower LF Professional Input (first grow)

    whats easier super crop or scrog :S i tryed to Pinch one of them stems on one of them and bend it but i snapped a little there so thick :S so i just stopped it seems fine now but its straightened up