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  1. T

    My new growth leaves coming out the top of the plant are turning yellow, (help) =[

    i don't grow hydro... but i'm *pretty* sure checking your ph levels is especially important in hydro.
  2. T

    Do hallucinogens point towards telepathy?

    haha, timmy your quite right. it spooked me at first and i shut down, not seeing intrinsic value in anything. being in the circle is only worth it if you want it to be, and faith and will are only as good as you believe in them. i worked my way back from ground zero to realize that i wanted...
  3. T

    Do hallucinogens point towards telepathy?

    First of all, I try to be a spiritual person, but I am first and foremost a skeptic and a cynic. There is a ton of shit out there that people will peddle as enlightenment and spirituality and its nothing but complete bullshit. That being said, of the hallucinogens that I've tried, every...
  4. T

    First-timer, some questions about fans

    Hello everybody, So I'm building a cabinet for a closet grow, hopefully will have a flowering chamber, veg chamber, and a utility chamber. I haven't been able to find all the information I'm looking for regarding fans and ventilation though. How many fans would I need for said setup? I'm...
  5. T

    Electrical Ques. If I can help someone I will...

    hey guys, first post. i've been wandering through these boards the past week, and the ball is in motion. i'm going to build my first cabinet. I think i have the general concept of construction down, I am just concerned about the electrical aspect. obviously, no one wants to burn the house...