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  1. C

    2 weeks into gorwing Whats Wrong?

    definatley bro, what strain are u growing right now?
  2. C

    2 weeks into gorwing Whats Wrong?

    lol, i know, i definatley will, after dumping my old water, and switching to bottled water i also only added half of the nutrient tablet that goes into the tank and so far so good, no further damage and there are actually alot of new leaves coming out and they dont seem to be getting any damage...
  3. C

    2 weeks into gorwing Whats Wrong?

    ok, thanks, i ordered some bloom ferts already just waiting for them to come in the mail right now
  4. C

    2 weeks into gorwing Whats Wrong?

    If the problem is phosphurus, then how do i help the plant get more phosphurus?
  5. C

    2 weeks into gorwing Whats Wrong?

    So u think it is a nutrien problem then? the aerogaren comes with these tablets not really a pill but u just throw them in the tank and they dissolve in the do i correct the problem?
  6. C

    2 weeks into gorwing Whats Wrong?

    well i am using an aerogarden because i heard it was good to get some hands on experience with hydroponics.. and i was using tapwater but i decided to dump the water this morning and i replaced it with bottled water. Would this help if i had a ph problem? The reason i thought that it could...
  7. C

    hey i ahve been growing for 2 weeks now, and my plant is pretty big but i posted a thread that...

    hey i ahve been growing for 2 weeks now, and my plant is pretty big but i posted a thread that had some pictures, do u think u can let me know whats wrong with my plant?
  8. C

    2 weeks into gorwing Whats Wrong?

    been growing for 2 weeks, what is wrong with the plants in the picture? i thought it could be the PH, so i switched out the tap water for bottled water. look at the pictures and help me out please... the strain is purple power but im not sure it has anything to do with the strain as much as it...
  9. C

    Having Some Trouble

    I have been growing PurplePower in an aerogarden, it has been about 12 days since planting it after the germination. Some of the leaves are curling and browning, i was wondering if this could be because i was over spraying the leaves with regular water. Or is this a nutrien problem?(the leaves...
  10. C

    Purple Power in Aerogarden

    any helpfull tips on how i can make the best possible life for this Purple power plant i just started?
  11. C

    Purple Power in Aerogarden

    I just started growing, using an aerogarden, im trying to grow purple power, does anyone know how big this plant will get,(Aerogarden elite6, extends 4ft)
  12. C

    Anyone ever grown Sweet Purple or New Purple Power?

    How big do the purple power plants get?