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  1. TweedleD

    Can buds develop after being chopped?

    No, the plant would not grow after being chopped. Maybe you need to clear up exactly what you mean?
  2. TweedleD

    Yellow Leaves - Nutes didnt help!!

    I will check on her tomorrow and see if anything had changed on the leaves, for better or worse. The ground the pots have been put in, for stability as the wind kept blowing them over, is in general quite stoney and lower down quite like clay. Maybe that has something to do with it? So feeding...
  3. TweedleD

    Yellow Leaves - Nutes didnt help!!

    Ok, i have just checked my ph, using the old school 3 drops in a vial of water test. Ph was around 8, London water! Fucking hell, never knew the water was so hard here! Might explain why i get dry skin on my lower back! I have brought it down as much as i can with my old school test kit. Added...
  4. TweedleD

    Yellow Leaves - Nutes didnt help!!

    Just the bucket, but obviously some roots have gone through the holes in the bottom. That plant is going yellow because it too is almost near the end of flower, so seeing as i STILL havent seen any pistils to indicate it is a female, i know its not that. Is it lacking Nitrogen?
  5. TweedleD

    Yellow Leaves - Nutes didnt help!!

    Hello everybody! I need some advice within the next hour or so before i leave my house, but i need to figure out what is wrong with one of my plants. Quite a lot of the bottom leaves turned yellow/lifeless and one had dried uo on the tips and in the middle of the leaf. I have been feeding the...
  6. TweedleD

    First Grow! Deisel, L.S.D, Haze, Special

    Thought i would just chuck in a little update for you all. LSD and Haze doing very well, growing nicely and LSD is a female! woop! The Special seed was doing very very well, then for some reason the bottom leaves started fading to yellow, making me think n defficiency, so i watered it with a...
  7. TweedleD

    Barney's Farm LSD Grow CFL/FL only

    Lets see her anyway mate! I have a LSD in the great UK Outdoors right now, letting mother nature take its course. Just started to flower now. Would love to see how her buds grow! PM me if you dont want pics public... :) Peace!:weed::peace:
  8. TweedleD

    Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

    Ahhh man! I am deffinately going to grow this next! Not long to go before the smoke! :D Those buds look so tasty and resinious! Hmmm! So jealous! :D Peace!
  9. TweedleD

    1st autoflower grow Diesel Ryder

    Ive harvested my Diesel Ryder. gunna have just under an .oz after dried. Just one question, for anyones whos harvested a JD Diesel Ryder. Were the buds dense or more leafy once dried? Mine arent that dense, but the smoke is intense!
  10. TweedleD

    Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

    Amazing thread! +rep! Just read the whole lot, and it has really opened my eyes. Pineapple express was going to be my next seed. Do you reckon i could grow this in a very limited space? 60cm height, by 70cm width? pots are about 20cm tall. In soil, hand feeding, LST'ing the plant or scrog...
  11. TweedleD

    First Grow

    and what was the verdict, im interested.
  12. TweedleD

    roommate got busted; my story.

    So, enlighten me, what was the actual reason you got raided? What was your friend doing? Small grow in his room? Just curious as i may be in a similar situation soon when i move house... Peace! :weed::peace:
  13. TweedleD

    First Grow! Deisel, L.S.D, Haze, Special

    The buds feel less dense now since i have hung them up to dry. Maybe when it dries up it will densen uo again! Can someone tell me what is up with the leaves on my Special plant? Been feeding 6 litres of water, with 24ml of BioGrow and 6ml of BloomBastic. Bottom leaves turned yellow before the...
  14. TweedleD

    First Grow! Deisel, L.S.D, Haze, Special

    Ok ladies and gentlemen, yesterday at 12noon, day 65 from seed, i decided to cut my little Diesela down, and start drying her out. I am very pleased with my first proper grow, and have learnt so much along the way! My 2nd grow is sure to be a lot better! Watch this space for a link to it once i...
  15. TweedleD

    Caught by Police - UK- Advice!

    Im in the UK so the laws are a little different. After speaking to a few friend police officers, seems like the dudes just got some free weed. Not happy but no sweat! :P Shit was so strong im sure it knocked them out for the rest of their shift!
  16. TweedleD

    Caught by Police - UK- Advice!

    Easy all! Yesterday at the world famous Notting Hill Carnival i got stopped by police, for the 3rd time in 10 minuites, for a random stop and search under Section 60 - D Offensive Weapons. Police officer did a body search on me to find nothing, he then proceeded to take down all my details...
  17. TweedleD

    First Grow! Deisel, L.S.D, Haze, Special

    Thanks for the info L.S.D Smoker! What was the smoke like? Does it do what it says on the tin? DIESEL HAS SPIDERMITE!!!!! Cant fucking believe it, 1 week before harvest i check for spider mite, and the fan leaves that have gone spotted white/yellow has the little fuckers on them. Ive sprayed...
  18. TweedleD

    Let's see what we can learn from our mistakes

    Very nice! Looking really good! I think this is proofin itself, that good quality LED's do produce the corrrect light for growth and flower, as is evident in the pictures of the bud sites under the led. Peace!
  19. TweedleD

    First Grow! Deisel, L.S.D, Haze, Special

    Guys, When should i stopfeeding her BloomBastic? Ive already stopped but im wondering if i may have stopped too early? Peace!