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  1. G

    Smokey's At It Again!!! GDP 36 Site Aeroflo

    Subed and hoping to learn a lot.
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    The Hippie Gardener's New Yard Centerpiece

    I really like it
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    Can you graft bud onto any legal plants?

    But if you did graft onto a hops plant would you have a larger yield because i know hops have massive roots and are perennial.
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    wow, I have to say awesome most man. lol... never had the pleasure of smoking handband but if it makes me that fucked up it want some now.
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    Magnet and Coil + CMH or Digital + 2 bulb (MH and HPS) systems??? what should I do

    So i decided. For the price and space its needed for I choose this No MJ will be grown until i am legal but its in the plans and I still need to practice keeping plants alive in general and...
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    Magnet and Coil + CMH or Digital + 2 bulb (MH and HPS) systems??? what should I do

    Cymbaline thanks for the heads up. I'm still not sure on what i am going to do but that is great info for everyone regardless.
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    Magnet and Coil + CMH or Digital + 2 bulb (MH and HPS) systems??? what should I do

    6 square feet floor space, 30cubic feet is the size of the cabinet.
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    Magnet and Coil + CMH or Digital + 2 bulb (MH and HPS) systems??? what should I do

    Sorry for the double post but a new thought occurred to me, my cabinet is 6 square feet should i use a 250 or 400. I'm thinking a 250 could get closer to the plants and be easier to cool.
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    Magnet and Coil + CMH or Digital + 2 bulb (MH and HPS) systems??? what should I do

    Thanks guys for you opinions. Danielsgb how long do you think until your done? Still thinking about it. the electricity is a big deal. how much does a 400watt coil ballast actually use vs how much a digital ballast use?
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    Magnet and Coil + CMH or Digital + 2 bulb (MH and HPS) systems??? what should I do

    I have been looking into building a Cabinet for a long time. I live on my own in a 700sqft apt so heat and electricity use are big concerns. I know that Coil ballasts are less efficient but how much more electricity due they use than a digital ballast? I also hear that CHM throw less heat than...
  11. G

    4x4x6.5 tent lighting, heat is a issue.

    So as you have guessed i got a 4x 4 tent and I am trying to figure what i want to use for lighting. Heat is an issue because to tent is not really set up for venting very well ( limited In and Out points). I was leaning towards t5 ho and an 8 tube fixture because it would fit nicely and evenly...
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    Led Mini Fridge

    cool, I've been thinking of something similar. can't wait for pics
  13. G

    Fish Are Friends Not Food. Newbie with Aquaponic desires.

    sorry, i messed up. this was about aquaponics. I will go post in other sections till i learn how to post correctly