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  1. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    Pics are from tonight. Day 40 from sprout. Still good steady growth happening. She was in need of water so I made the difficult decision to feed. I gave her a 1/2 gallon RO water with a 1/4 strength FF Big Bloom and 1/4 Calmag plus. Hopefully it wasn't too soon! Any thoughts would great. Thanks...
  2. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    Pics are from tonight. Day 40 from sprout.
  3. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    I understand completely, and some pics could Def steer me to top it if I feel comfortable. Thanks again!
  4. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    I think I'll try my first top with my next set of plants. Should have them Auto's in soil by the end of the week :) if my timings correct the Auto and this Current plant should be ready about the same time. It's just gonna suck dealing with the different times schedules. Ones gonna be in 12/12...
  5. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    Most recent pics. Plant Is 38 Days old. Still some good growth going on. I did add the 2 5000k bulbs "75 watt, true wattage?" Is this still pretty early for those or should she still be fine? Also I added a pic of my setup as of now. The fan on the left is a 2 speed oscillating, right one is...
  6. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    Thanks NON. As of now I do not know much about topping. I have been reading a little about it but don't feel very comfortable doing it just yet. Is their a certain time I'd need to top by? And this seed was feminized.
  7. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    Hello everyone. So it's looking good and healthy up top! The bottom half even has some great growth going on. Some of the big top leaves have some yellowish tips. Could this be the start of a Cal mag issue coming from the RO water? Input would be greatly appreciated! As always! One more...
  8. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    From what I've read, it's better not to transplant autos if you can avoid it. So I will probably even try to germinate right in the soil too
  9. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    I'll be doing the Auto's in a 3 gal from start to finish. Should I still mix 50/50? I plan on adding perlite 30% also
  10. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    Cool, thanks for your input. I read that my PH tester isn't very reliable when using RO water. Isn't enough in the water to trigger the solution. I'll stick with that for now lol. Also I have those north light auto fems on the way. I read to avoid transplant so would it be bad to start off in...
  11. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    These pics are from tonight. As you can see the top is growing well. The bottom. Not so good. Should I just cut the bad part of the leaves off? I did a good watering today with just RO water.. Here's where it gets tricky. I checked the run off water with the pH drip test indicator in this pic...
  12. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    I have some northern lights autos on the way :)
  13. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    I have the flaps of the tent open at all times with good air flow coming thru. I also have a small oscillating fan in their. Should I not go with any Cal mag plus yet either? And thanks for the input!
  14. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    Just a quick update. Still growing nicely. Will be doing semi flush tomorrow using 1 gallon RO water. I might add a little Calmag with the last bit of it. Any thoughts?
  15. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    Here's the most recent pics. Taken tonight. Still haven't did the semi-final due to the soil not being dry yet. Hopefully tomorrow. Their has been some good new growth however most leaves have slightly brown tips. Anyone wanna tell me how they thinkit looks? Once again input will be greatly...
  16. AtownSmoker

    Cannabis Cup Denver, Where ya staying?

    Hey everyone. The cup in Denver next month will be epic! A bunch of us from rollitup should get together and toke up while at the cup! Just a thought? Me and my buddies will be staying at the Best Western in East Denver. What ya gotta say people???
  17. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    So one day after giving 1/2 gallon pure RO water, the nute burn seemed to slow or perhaps stop spreading. If anyone notices anything else from this pic please give me your input. Thanks in advance!
  18. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    I usually wait until it's pretty dry, but with all this nute burn talk I thought I would give it a nice watering with just RO, even though I had watered the previous day, think this will affect it much?
  19. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    Ahh ok. I've just been watering a good width around the plant since transplant. Hope it didn't affect it too much. Ill def wait until it needs watering then I'll dump another good amount in.
  20. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    These pics are from tonight. Leaves aren't looking good. I did water yesterday with RO cal/mag, so today I just watered with 1/2 gallon straight RO water. Hopefully this will wipe away a lot of the nutes. First question, should I water the whole 3 gallon pot? Or just a good width around my...