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  1. M

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Just hit the 50 day mark from seed, breeder claims that it can be ready in 55 days from seed.Poor thing has taken a blow since it was my first grow and I've been a pussy and didn't use nutrients when I should have. Btw, this was a true 210watt cfl grow of the automatic strain Green-o-Matic...
  2. M

    Hungry or Burnt? (photos)

    Yep you're right there, no EC meter unfortunately. I'll boost up the nutes on the next watering. Thanks for your time.
  3. M

    Hungry/burnt or?

    Hey man thanks for your time, I posted this on the plants problems sub-forum aswell and was told that I need to feed. I have been very cautious and applied less than 1/4 of nutes maybe too late. I at least now know to follow a schedule as I'm supposed to for my next grow now though. My water is...
  4. M

    Hungry or Burnt? (photos)

    Thanks for the fast reply. I thought so aswell and I was told by another member here aswell just wanted to double check after the new development following the watering. Can anyone identify any specific deficiencies? Also forgot to mention I'm using Biobizz's grow&bloom. I've done 2 consecutive...
  5. M

    Hungry or Burnt? (photos)

    I also posted this in the Newbie central but I figured here is more appropriate. Copy pasting. Hello 1st grow green-o-matic on a 6lt pot using biobizz light-mix soil with 210 true watts of cfl (2700K(105w) & 6400K(105w)). Temps are at 24-25 (a few weeks ago 27-28 celcius and humidity 44%-51%...
  6. M

    Hungry/burnt or?

    I've got some spots on my leaves besides yellowing. Some are brown some are rusty. It's not all over (yet) but for example there are some spots on leaves on the bottom/middle/top. I took some photos to help a bit. Not the best quality but hope it does the trick. Would really love some insight...
  7. M

    Hungry/burnt or?

    Well today morning I had to water since the top few inches were dry and I added both bloom and grow nutrients since the yellowing was climbing towards the top along with some brown spots on some fan leaves. I read up about deficiencies and it looks as if she doesn't have enough K & P along with...
  8. M

    Hungry/burnt or?

    Well I think you hit the way I feel right on the spot. I will refrain from flushing since there's a good chance that she's underfed at the moment. I'll make sure to add a bit bio-grow (has more nitrogen than bio-bloom) and I'll go pick-up some epsom salts aswell. I'll keep her under watch and...
  9. M

    Hungry/burnt or?

    You may be right that the abrupt start of nutrients could have caused this. The thing is that the eagle claw symptom appeared once before watering and I assumed that it would be because it needed water but even after watering the leaves remained the same. The thing is that I've read so many...
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    Hungry/burnt or?

    No I'm not planning on plucking anything at this point, i'm more of a "if a leaf dies and drops i'll just throw it away" guy :)
  11. M

    Hungry/burnt or?

    First off I want to thank you all for helping out :) headiessmoka, well you might actually be right here, I have been watering only when top soil was dry and few centimeters below was still a bit damp. max316420, sounds more likely that I'm underfeeding considering that I've given very low...
  12. M

    Hungry/burnt or?

    Also what do you mean exactly by that? I won't be harvesting for at least 4 weeks from now?so the yellowing is kind of normal?As I said I have barely fed them so it would seem strange that they're getting a nute burn with quite a lot less than 1/4 of feeding.
  13. M

    Hungry/burnt or?

    So with the minimal feeding I'm doing, should I lower even that or should keep feeding what i'm feeding now and not increase?
  14. M

    Hungry/burnt or?

    Hello 1st grow green-o-matic on a 6lt pot using biobizz light-mix soil with 210 true watts of cfl (2700K(105w) & 6400K(105w)). Temps are at 24-25 (a few weeks ago 27-28) celcius and humidity 44%-51%. I'm 5 weeks from seed and around 2 weeks into flowering. I didn't start feeding until 2 weeks...