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  1. F

    Mixing Nutrient Brands

    LMFAO!!!! Holy shit that has got to be the funniest fucking thing I have heard in a long time. WOW, I even work at a hydroponic store and trust me I hear funny shit from newbs all the time, but goddamn that one has topped them all by a long shot! hahahaha
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    Strains that makes you horny

    Blue Dream, Blue Dream, Blue Dream... That is the one Strain that I know for a fact that makes most of the girls I know horny
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    Silicon for your plants!

    Silicon is very under rated it seems in the horticultural world. I always recommend it to my customers when they are having heat issues and they don't want to run co2. I usually recommend Silica Blast by Botanicare, only because that's what i use and i know it works from personal experience. i...
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    back to nutrients after using final phase?

    final phase is a different kind of flushing agent, that solution actually shuts the plant down while breaking all the salts up. thats why it wants u to do it three days prior to harvest.
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    Sounds like u stressed and damaged the plant. i been supercropping every grow for the past three years and they always come back after about 3-4 days, my branches never stay vertical.
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    Wtf is up with my plant she looks stressed and i think its a male

    well, if u want to fix your problems u got to get off the MG shit. MG is one of the worst things u can feed cannabis with, does it work sort of, but not the greatest stuff out there for cannabis. what's your PH? if u are off u are locking food out for your plant. temperature? if u are really...
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    HELP 1 month into flowering and no bud.

    wow.... a month into flowering? that plant should be waaaaaay bigger, and have waaaaaay more foliage on there buddy, and of course lots of bud by now but that's what we are trying to figure out. simply put its looking for light, the light you are giving her is not the right frequency and...
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    Rust spots on leaves - Hydroponic

    yes it is cal-mag deficiency, if you are using RO water , you need to add cal-mag every feeding. GH now has a cal-mag called cali-magic if you prefer to stick with their line, if not i recommend using pro-cal by green will notice a change with your plants in about a week after adding...
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    Wierd Leaves Comin into Week 5

    most of the time when your leaves curl down like that it is caused my to much watering. and if that is the case lift up your pot to see how dry it is then decide form there (mid flowering it should be about every 4 or so to water, some strains maybe every 3 days) but it depends on the health of...
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    dying leaf tips unlike anything vie seen

    holy shit that one fan leaf looks like a dragons claw lol. so did u cut all your fan leaves off? because if u did that would explain what happened, it has no place to go to grab stored nutrients or a place to go when stressed.
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    Newb grower need some help

    lol medical or not u should treat the plant the same
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    Newb grower need some help

    those bulbs will do the job for veg of course. if u can afford it man try and get the smalller T5's like a 2ft 4 bulb if u are only going to do a cpl plants, but a 4ft 4 bulb would be even better of course u will get better plants that way. if not those cfl's will do the job. but yea man i would...
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    Problems in late flowering, not simply yellowing of leaves, possible zinc deficiency?

    no its not just lacking N beacause u are barely getting any bud. how is your PH looking?? are u in 6.5 range? that is some huge stretch on your plants so obvisouly your other plants are not uptaking the light since u had to raise it to not burn the other plants. during flower u want to feed...
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    Newb grower need some help

    mircle grow is not the best soil for the medical grow so it can cause some problems. I dont know what your Ph is at so that will cause a lot of problems if its not balanced right. you being a soil grower u want it close to 6.5 as possible, if not u will be locking a lot of food for them to...
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    can i spray water on my pants

    once in awhile is fine, plus that will help keep a decent humidity level since there still in veg. Also, I noticed u said u are using an HPS light but u are in veg. is there a reason why u are using this light in veg?
  16. F

    Stop what you are doing, and look at this.... DROP YOUR LIGHTS A FOOT!

    thats pretty neat, i might have to pick some of these up for my store, could be a good seller. but wow your plants man, if i were u i would just quarantine your room and start over, from the ridiculous stretch of your plants and from all the damage the mites have done to your plants your quality...
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    Why Do Plants Pray?

    i don't think anyone said that plants don't bend and move towards the sun, of course they do. They are just saying that they also will do that with artificial lighting as long as its a healthy plant of course like my plants will do as the pic shows a couple posts up
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    Why Do Plants Pray?

    notice how my plants are praying to the light, and they do it in the same fashion as they would towards natural sunlight
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    need hlp

    from what i can understand from his description hes got a aeroponic cloner and most of them-unless its an ez cloner- dont have a normal dome u can put on them. which is fine cause aeroponically is one of the best and stable ways of cloning. i built my own aeroponic cloner and i never use a dome...
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    Advice on stretching

    and yes get a fan if u dont have one already, that will toughen them up if your plants are flimsy, thin, and fallen over. also, it wont hurt to put some silicate in your feeding schedule which will strengthen the cell tissue in your plant which will help with the thin flimsy plant u got. it also...