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  1. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    LMAO.. he said a branch gave out. More like he accidentally threw a basketball at the plant.. hoping for some droppage ;)
  2. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    LOL while we're all broke and bummin (well not all of us.. some ;) ) .. misery is smokin his kush!
  3. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    Yeah no doubt man.. i been adding a few caps of h2o2 to my tubs ever since you told me .. I can also tell everyone first hand that i proved it works. I have one 5 gallon bucket with 4 pots .. all the roots in there are pretty much white.. not pearl white but white. The other bucket has...
  4. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    Right on bro.. i hope you dont think im challenging you or anything.. just i asked you that way coz it really jumped out at me when you said that. I kno from our past PM's that you do use h202, just didn't know u use organic. Everything i've read says that peroxide kills the good stuff too...
  5. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    wait.. so you mean you use the peroxide in your res along with organic nutes?
  6. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    Wassup everyone!! Wheres the porn fest this saturday? Anyways just wanted to check in and let everyone know a quick thing i found out.. a big problem to what i was doing is not pre soaking RW cubes. So to the newbs out there possibly reading this.. BE SURE to soak your RW cubes to 5.5...
  7. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    yeah for sure i'll use that... i dont poost much pics much and usually take them down shortly because i dont trust Pbucket for shit. If shit hits the fan Pbucket will sell you out quick.. at the same time i am really not a person that should warrant any attention.
  8. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    hey purp.. not a pro myself but i read that if you stand directly above the light .. if a bud sight is blocked and not getting light then you trim around it until you can see that bud sight from your view (staring down from the top where the light is). I know trimming in flower is bad but...
  9. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    ya dude surprisingly i been reading that and seems to be a common way.. now that you say it too i probablyw ill try it nex time. No harm right. Im just trying different things right now and seeing what works.. so far i did the dome method but a couple died.. and bottom line is these ones i...
  10. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    yeaa i heard about the canna too from my research.. supposedly a bit better than hygrozyme as canna turns dead roots and rots into nute. I think i will hold on the zymes.. i might get rhizotonic because my clones are dying and i need to prepare for next cuttings properly. Theres the...
  11. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    lol dont worry i only joking about the waking up sweating and shooting her haha! But yeah true.. i read somewhere that one of the bigger noob mistakes people make is stressin over their plants too much and that might in turn stress the plants. Such as grow area renovations etc etc. I try not...
  12. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    lol i dunno man.. this guy right here is kinda my mentor "dynamiteJack" .. i asked him like every question possible when i started.. I wont lie though, as my mentor he's not so much of an expert himself...
  13. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    oh OK nvm then lol. It kinda surprised me because all the others in the res have thin hair roots.. NICE i am still in business.. i do not want to be yet another victim of the infamous root rot.
  14. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    Oh and update on my clones.. out of the 12 i've lost 4.. the rest are still holding on right now.. i think they are actually rooting or rooted almost. I think today i will give a tug on them to see.. (i've just been delaying the tug as it hurts me to have to throw the little shits out :( )
  15. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    Hey dudes.. quick question for everyone. One of my mom plants.. i did a res topping yesterday and noticed its roots are a bit different. Slightly brown.. not bad but slightly.. which is no big deal as some of the others roots have shown brown too ... but question is.. the roots went from...
  16. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    lol dont be man.. im more jealous of your grow!
  17. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    lol not me.. where i live i can walk down the street right now and get some bomb weed.. just that i dont have money lol. If i were to keep up my old habits.. i'd be spending about 400 a week/ounce and i just dont have the $ anymore. The weed where im at is sick though.. to the piont im not...
  18. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    The clones are looking way nicer than mine hahah! Good stuff man.. and the bitches you got are looking real nice and neat standing str8 up :)
  19. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    yeah dude thanks for the advice.. i been reading up to see if theres such a problem as "over humidity" for clones or seedlings and i cant find anything on it. Alot of people majority wise say you neeed humidity or humidity dome, while some say you dont need it.. but noone actually mentions...
  20. chusett

    Dwc Grow Club

    thanks dude.. i'll keep on it and let you guys know. At least the stems are all verys trong.. just leaves wilting. It could be that like you said its natural? This is my first grow ever.. lol so ive never done any of this stuff before. I'm doing pretty good though for a newbie DWCer and...