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  1. N

    Jars left open

    First I would seal the jars an see if the RH recovers, pretty good chance after 8-12hrs your RH is back on track
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    This look ready??

    Looking good, but the pistols/hairs have not changed color, dried or receded, don't trust trichromes on the leaves they can be inconsistent, I have very little LED experience but noticed those clones flowered under an LED showed milky trichromes from me lowering the light to close, I like to use...
  3. N

    52% before cure was/is done.. What now?

    Bovedas work good, cheap route is a small bit of fresh orange/lemon peel in each jar, monitoring RH is critical since you can overdue it and promote mold... In my experience even the jars that were in the low 50s were much better in 2-3 months indicating some curing continues....
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    Accidentaly broke stem. Will it be okay?

    No worries mate, you would have likely end up trimming it off later (bottom 1/3) the future if there is a tag of skin still holding and it's a valuable branch just tape it and support it until it heals over you'll be amazed how well they heal themselves
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    Day 6 seedlings

    I like to spritz the offending seed shell an keep it moist 9-10 it will then fall off, make a note of that plant and see if it keeps up with the others, in my experience they are weaker plants not always but often enough I noticed, sometimes it's from not planting the seed deeply enough...
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    Yellowing 2 wks after start of feeding?

    Where I live low even single digit RH is common especially this time of year for many many years (before internet) I had no idea they preferred higher RH as seedlings an during veg an grew some mighty fine plants, that being said I do see slightly happier seedlings these days but if all other...
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    Jumping white bugs with runoff. What are they??

    Springtails there is some debate on them being beneficial if your planters have too many, before I had a good imp I would occasionally get them...
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    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Chinook Haze, dry trimming day...
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I have been using red brick chips that are from an old over water saw mill that burned down years ago, the bricks have been agitated by native lake gravel, the pieces are pea to Lima bean size, I have found they work excellent, tons of tiny pores, no effect on ph great aeration
  10. N

    Longest grow yet. when to harvest?

    Hold out smoke: it's always worth the wait, the final weeks are tough because things seem to so slow to a crawl but things are happening & final weight, flavor and length of high will be better, you could snip a couple nugs, dry & cure them keep them separate then you will be able to see the...
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    what strains are around the ol' 207?

    Check out "maineclonecompany" they carry some excellent genitics, great people, fast shipping on seeds and great prices... Recently scored some Crockett Tangie and Double Tangie Banana....
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    old hands

    Farmer: Not sure what a zen roller looks like but if it's similar to a zig zag or raw rollers, just like venge stated its all about getting the tension just so, I have noticed it takes more practice to get heavier paper to burn straight for some reason might be worthwhile to have her try a...
  13. N

    Longest grow yet. when to harvest?

    Someday maybe we'll be able to smell via "SmellAvision" looks tasty! Unfortunately IMO one losses most of the smell & some flavor from a quick dry or even slow dry until it's cured awhile so you should be in for quite a treat once it's cured,,,,
  14. N

    Longest grow yet. when to harvest?

    Still looking good smoke! Looks like your stigmas/pistols are starting to darken and shrivel success is getting closer... Days can feel like weeks at this stage but resist the urge to chop early you will be rewarded with frosty heavier nugs.... Thanks for the update photos
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    Longest grow yet. when to harvest?

    Stay the course smoke: I see no need to feed this late in the game, except maybe a touch of molasses with your normal watering but agree you have at least two weeks left...
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    old hands

    I second the raw rolling "machine" simple design, I have a zig zag roller must be 30yrs old the rolling material was wore out but raw sent a spare with their roller I slipped it on my zig zag now I have a spare, easy to use, pen joint to a fatty with ease, I have MS nerve damage I have numb...
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    The Vault Crazy Christmas Promo 2017 (300 FREE SEEDS and more)

    Count me in, would love some sweet seeds to start my new year out with...
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    One word of caution using larger cfls in small reflectors especially with plastic bulb holders, the base of cfls can overheat because there is not enough air space and the plastic bulb holders do not radiate heat as well as the porcelain ones...
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    Greenpoint seeds!!

    I had to hit a couple orange blossom seeds with the emery board to get them to sprout, they were both "floaters" while in a cup of water, then two days after the others sprouted in the paper towels I hit them with emery board, next morning tap roots were showing... This is the first seeds from...
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    Anyone here have experience treating MS with cannabis?

    If I learned anything it's that everyone is different to a point at least, my issue is the consistency of strains is low, one time I bought blue dream and it was marvelous 30-days later same grower but different run/lot # it did not although blue dream was the first strain that gave me hope...