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  1. Sacha87

    Question for anyone growing for more than a year... Enthusiasm still there?

    I still totally love growing! I've been growing for 3 summers now, every year I try to go more organic. All nature remedies against pests and disease. All natural biological nutrients (bat guano for flowering is great!) Every year I learn more. I also grow other herbs for fun. And when I...
  2. Sacha87

    White vague spots on leaves (POWDERY MILDEW?)

    I just found this: Description: Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that results in a powdery gray or white coating on the leaves and stems of infected plants. It starts out as a few spores on the leaves, and quickly spreads, eventually yellowing the leaves and causing premature leaf drop...
  3. Sacha87

    White vague spots on leaves (POWDERY MILDEW?)

    Okay, thanks for confirming. I'll go to the growshop and see what they have. Thanks!
  4. Sacha87

    White vague spots on leaves (POWDERY MILDEW?)

    Thanks, Ill do some research on that. What I've quickly found just now, mine don't look so bad.. yet. If anyone has got a definite solution that would be highly appreciated!
  5. Sacha87

    So what do u think this is ??Pics

    I would stop giving nutes alltogether, if you're gonna chop them down in three weeks. You don't want to smoke the nutes! The nutes need time to leave the system. I give my plants bat guano in the last stage of the flowering stage and then the last 3 weeks nothing. The taste is awesome! Plant...
  6. Sacha87

    White vague spots on leaves (POWDERY MILDEW?)

    Can anyone identify these weird white spots? I can only find them on one side of my plant, which is very weird because I rotate the plant daily. Plant: Super Silver Critical Haze (100% natural/organic growing) I don't have a lot of bugs (knock on wood); I used neem oil before...
  7. Sacha87

    Caterpillars spreading very quick!!!

    Pulled another 25 baby caterpillars out! Ive been scanning all my buds, luckily I only have 2 plants. I have Bacillus Thuringensis, I used it before the flowering stage and it worked great. Do you think that I can use it on my plant now? I only have two weeks to go in flowering stage, Ive got...
  8. Sacha87

    Caterpillars spreading very quick!!!

    Damn, I have the same problem.. Only two weeks to go in flowering stage. Today I found 5 caterpillars (little green ones) only by looking at my buds to see if there were any little brown crumbs in there.. Those fuckers are soo hard to spot. I dont know of any solution except retracting by...
  9. Sacha87

    White flies..

    Ive had a good grow untill now.. only three weeks to go and now my plants are full of white flies. Ive used neem oil and yellow sticky stips (which after one hour where already full of white flies) to try and control it. There are still loads of them and I cant seem to control it. Does anyone...
  10. Sacha87

    Plants flowering stage: Can I leave them in the shadow?

    Above my appartment there is a big public terras of our building, if you look over the edge you can see my terras... Cant put my plants anywhere else... So I didnt tell anybody but people see them themselves. I'm not worried with police, its legal to have two plants per person (they dont say how...
  11. Sacha87

    Plants flowering stage: Can I leave them in the shadow?

    For the past few years people have been trying, and succeeding to steal my plants, this year I got a tip that someone will try again :sad:. The only way to hide my plants is to put them in the shadow. Will this make a big difference (for the bad) to my marijuana? My plants are in BIG pots on a...
  12. Sacha87

    spider mites help (completely natural) I've been battling spidermites for a month now. a few weeks ago I strated with Spidermitecontrol, and they are now gone. Neem oil is only preventative, a good preventative. Spidermite infestation is very serious! If you dont get rid of them now they...
  13. Sacha87

    Help! Gave too much nutes!!!

    Spanishfly: maybe u cant send me a message yet because I just signed up...
  14. Sacha87

    Help! Gave too much nutes!!!

    Learned my lesson alright! :D Nice to see that Spanish people also go to this site! weird! Let me try..
  15. Sacha87

    Help! Gave too much nutes!!!

    OK, thanks for the info!! I gave it a good rinse so I'll see in the next up coming days if it will come back, I think so though, its ALREADY LOOKING BETTER!!!
  16. Sacha87

    Help! Gave too much nutes!!!

    Hello everybody! So my beautiful lady is finally starting to flower, so I decided to change nutrients, I was using "BioCanabium Abono Organico Crecimiento con Algas Marinas y ...(10-7-9)" anyway that worked great!, then I started on "Skunk Bio-floracion (2-5-7)", supposed to be great, I just...