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  1. Cease420

    Final week with chem dog

    My gh chemdog is finishing its last week of flower..gonna use final phase then flush with plain water for next 10 days..
  2. Cease420

    Chemdog 600w tent

    Damn this sucks ..just got back from my vacations..the only thing I was looking forward to was getting back to my girl..I made sure she was well taken care of while I was friend made sure they were watered on time and emptied out the dehumidifier once a day ..ill hook him up with an...
  3. Cease420

    Chemdog 600w tent

    Seasons greeting my Christmas growers..glad to see all ur babies are jolly with joy and healthy as can be..I've been on vacation since the 26th.. Will be returning on the 2nd of next year..I hav my boy watching over the youngin while im gone..I gav him specific instructions on caregiving..hope...
  4. Cease420

    Chemdog greenhouse 5th week o flowering

    Yeah in giving them sensi bloom a and b kushie kush ,b-52, and bud candy's in ff a couple of weeks ill stop the kushie kush and bud candy and start overdrive..but I'm lookin for opinions on how many more weeks she had to go!
  5. Cease420

    Chemdog 600w tent

    From the looks of things how many more weeks would you say?
  6. Cease420

    Chemdog greenhouse 5th week o flowering

    Merry Xmas to all!here are some pics of my chemdog from gh in mid fifth week of flowering..I'm thinking I've got 3 more weeks in 2 weeks I'm to gonna start feeding overdrive for week 7 and 8 and then a couple of weeks of flushing ..any opinions and suggestions welcomed!
  7. Cease420

    Chemdog 600w tent

    I hav this biatch under an air cooled sunlight system 600 watt hps with dig ballast..I'm giving it sensi bloom a and b, kushie kush, and bud candy along with some b-52 Probably until week 7 depending on how she progresses..switch out bloom boosters to overdrive in week 8 and New Years...
  8. Cease420

    Chemdog 600w tent

  9. Cease420

    Chemdog 600w tent

    Here are some pics of my closet chemdog..1 plant from fem seed gh at 5th week of flowering..lmk wAt u guys think
  10. Cease420

    Chemdog 600w tent

    Ill post some tomorrow morning..I get out of work late and my lights go out at 6:30 ...after I'm done with these greenhouse strains I'm gonna be lookin for some Himalayan blue diesel..any thoughts of a good seed bank where I can get some ?
  11. Cease420

    Chemdog 600w tent

    Wuts up teggs I just got your message..lookin good..I'm gonna post some of my pics 2nite right now I'm in middle of 5th week of flowering so far so good..I'm thinking four more weeks to go plus flush..I'm in ff soil 50/5O oceanforest /light warrior..using advanced nutrients lineup ..I've heard a...
  12. Cease420

    Newbie stress

    Any ideas on how many more weeks I got to go ..I'm thinking 4 more weeks plus my flushing weeks
  13. Cease420

    Newbie stress

    So I just reviewed my notes and I realized that I'm ending my fourth week of flower! I thought I was in fifth too bad here are some more pics
  14. Cease420

    Newbie stress

    From these pics that I've posted many more weeks do I have to go?
  15. Cease420

    Newbie stress

    That sux..hopefully my strain won't be disappointed.. I still hav kings kush ..pure pack of a.m.sand one more strain sure ill get some fire from there it can't all be bad
  16. Cease420

    Newbie stress

    Yeah I'm not to worried about the yellow leaves..hav u ver grown a greenhouse strain from seed
  17. Cease420

    Newbie stress

    How long have you been growing racer?
  18. Cease420

    Newbie stress

    Either that or they get beat up and made fun of a lot!!and have low self esteem problems..don't graduate high school get a Job at McDonald's and...wait a minute ,that's my life.. WAt about the lower leaves slowly turning yellow ?also is I too late to lollipop my boo? Currently in week five of flower
  19. Cease420

    Newbie stress

    Sensi bloom a=4-0-4 Sensi bloom b=1-5-6 kushie kush=1-7-17 b-52=2-1-4 bud candy=0-0-1
  20. Cease420

    Newbie stress

    Sensi bloom a and b