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  1. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ... what can I say... she started out great, I had some great help there at the beginning and then poof....gone. Both the help and apparently now her. She's still sick I think but I went ahead and put her on a 12/12 schedule so she can bud out. Probably wont work but like I said, looks like...
  2. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ...any input whatsoever?
  3. M!!..i think she's dying!

    but I'm guessing tomorrow should be time to water her again. Someone recommended I should start budding her out. Given her current state is that wise? She seems to be doing a lot better even though there's a bit of yellowing still occurring, even at the top. Maybe I should give her some...
  4. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ... that's basically what I've been doing. Riding it out and seeing what happens. I'm just giving her plain ph balanced water for now every couple of days when she needs it or drys out. So far so good. She's frickin naked of leaves but she seems to be growing again and the yellowing has...
  5. M!!..i think she's dying!

    :wall:Any help would be appreciated. :wall:
  6. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ... here's what she's looking like today. She's lost a bunch of leaves and the yellowing is still spreading. Gave her some water last night. Not a lot. Just a little to drench the soil a bit. Should be dry by tomorrow. New leaves are starting to slowly sprout where old leaves yellowed and...
  7. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ...but if I'm not mistaken we were giving her 33% of what was recommended and she still got burnt. And I recently found out from Panhead that we still were giving her too much. But here's a simple solution I've been kicking around in the old brainpan. I'ts been a week since I transplanted her...
  8. M!!..i think she's dying!

    pics.. And also please keep in mind that the camera for some reason doesn't really translate the damage correctly. Believe me, even though she's perked up, she's yellowing at a fast rate, even at the top. Today the tips are yellow. I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow more than the tips are...
  9. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ....things are looking worse. She's looking more perky but also ALOT more yellow. And it's everywhere. Even the second set of top leaves. And just about everyone is getting yellow tips on the leaves if they're not completely yellow already. It's been a week now since she's had water. I...
  10. M!!..i think she's dying!

    thanks for the tip bud, but I don't have any bloom juice. All I got is big bud powder pictured in the pics at the beginning of this thread or the one associated with it. And at this point, I'm scared to do anything to her that's not absolutely, positively without a doubt what needs to be done...
  11. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ... as of today she's looking better but without most of her leaves. Most of them have yellowed and dried out. I haven't watered her since the transplant last Saturday and she's STILL slightly moist. But looking way less droopy at least. And she seems to be also growing still. about and...
  12. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ...these are the last of them... I got her closed off completely now controlling the temp at 82 degrees when she sleeps, sometimes it drops way more and with the light on it wont get over 86 degrees. I also got one mini and one 16 inch fan inside for movement and circulation. I got another...
  13. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ...thanks for the link friend...I'll read it as soon as I finish uploading these last pics....
  14. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ...I even think she started budding ahead of time. I really don't know what's up with her at this point. She just looks really really bad to me...
  15. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ...she looks like a skeleton of her former self right?
  16. M!!..i think she's dying!

    ...breaks my heart I tell ya.... The yellowing has worsened at a fatal rate I think. The ONLY improvement I've seen since I transplanted her Sunday night is that the clone flowers on her were drooping and twisting up tremendously lika dying snake sort of but as of today I see them pretty much...
  17. M!!..i think she's dying!'s the question I asked them by the way..."I've searched high and low and am yet to find a mixing chart for Sensi Grow for Soil planters. All I seem to be able to find is water tank mix charts. PLEASE help me out since I've already burned my plant and I need a mixing chart for soil...
  18. M!!..i think she's dying!

    Thank you for your inquiry All our products and formulas are used in exactly the same way in all mediums, mix the nutrient solution including supplements that you are using and adjust the pH to the level ideal for the medium that you are using. When growing in soil adjust the pH to 6.3...