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  1. spot0

    yellow/brown lower leaves

    Thanks Godspeed. i had imagined this happening when the water changed but i thought it would show up by the 2nd res change with the distilled. And my nutes say they contain both magnesium and calcium. The company(Growth Technology) advise adding silicon but not cal/mag. anyway i'll try this...
  2. spot0

    yellow/brown lower leaves

    I agree jumpin, from google images it definitely looks like mag deficiency. And that might explain the timing. Are epsom salts safe for a DWC or should i get that calmag+ i've seen around the forum.
  3. spot0

    yellow/brown lower leaves

    it's been a few weeks since i changed to distilled. This started 7 days ago. i was thinking cal/mag deficiency as they could have had a build up from the tap water so it's only showing now. the tap water pH started at 7.5-8 i might calm down on the nutes at the next change but i've been ramping...
  4. spot0

    yellow/brown lower leaves

    i dunno about build up. i may have something to do with changing nutes from grow to bloom. But its the same brand hydro nutes so that shouldn't cause any problems i don't think. i was using tap water at the start. i now use distilled water.
  5. spot0

    yellow/brown lower leaves

    Hey guys im on my first solo grow (i've helped friend/family on grows before) and i've got a problem. i've a 3 plants(2 auto's and a lemon skunk) in a DWC. the auto's have been flowering about 2-3 weeks and some of the lower leaves are starting to get yellow/brown spots which start to cover the...
  6. spot0

    For the good of all growers i need a Mathematician's help!!!

    From a physic POV. dQ/dt(change in heat energy)= production due to light + production due to plants -loss through wall(insulation constant) - fans the loss through the wall will be dependant on inside and outside temperature but can be estimated. this equation must equal zero and all...