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  1. Warlock1369

    Think the stress set me back a week?

    If I knew the plants better and matched 2 that used the same nutes and flowered same I think I eould of done better. I made the mistake of starting with a sativa and grafted 3 indicas to it. All did well till harvest of indicas leaving sativa with 4 more weeks but the stress of harvesting the...
  2. Warlock1369

    Think the stress set me back a week?

    Crazyist would have to be grafting 4 strains in 1 plant. Didn't work that well for me. Got some good buds and was better to just grow 4 plants.
  3. Warlock1369

    Think the stress set me back a week?

    20 years under my belt. And still learning. If I'm not trying something new I should stop growing.
  4. Warlock1369

    Jorge Cervantes

    This was my 3rd post here and 2nd one detected to you. So your full of shit. Here it is policy. No out side sites or sells unless approved by admin first. And I'm sure it's the same on that site. Or spammers would have all rights to post anything they want.
  5. Warlock1369

    Jorge Cervantes

    Not at all. I'm not saying the sites don't join. But simply advising of what could happen. Personally I would love it if both rye into eachother. If you are taking what I'm saying as insalts I don't get you man. I'm on advising of what could happen.
  6. Warlock1369

    Jorge Cervantes

    db is a douchbag. And so am I. Well at least we've both been called that in the last hour. Lol
  7. Warlock1369

    Jorge Cervantes

    Cus not much eles is going on. And we know all the post will get dumped. That bring said there is a right way to promote useful info and sites. This is not that way.
  8. Warlock1369

    Jorge Cervantes

    It still a violation of policy. If admin approves it there is nothing wrong. But simply placing it here and saying it's Jorge nobody will care isn't the right way to do it. And it would be a ban for helping the mmj movement it's for promoting unsolicited sites on a active board. Ether edit the...
  9. Warlock1369

    Jorge Cervantes

    Here it is policy. No out side sites or sells unless approved by admin first. And I'm sure it's the same on that site. Or spammers would have all rights to post anything they want.
  10. Warlock1369

    Jorge Cervantes

    Last week? I got a few pm to. Looked at it but having a hard time with it on my phone so haven't said anything.
  11. Warlock1369

    Jorge Cervantes

    It's a bad idea to pramote a different site here. I think your trying to help but it's still a no no. Atleast don't give a derect link. It's ok to name drop we know alot of different sites. but link and promoting is a way to get band. So edit your first post.
  12. Warlock1369

    Can I flower this early?

    HID is the style if light. Your talkin MH and HPS. MH is for veg and HPS for flower.
  13. Warlock1369

    Think the stress set me back a week?

    That's fine but it's not a good idea to try and get people worked up. That is a fast way of getting you and somebody eles band. I do try to keep civil but dosnt allways end that way. Lol and I'm not realy taking about me getting worked up. Just a general statement.
  14. Warlock1369

    Think the stress set me back a week?

    It's not hard to get me to post. Talk shit or ask a question. I'm there. Still don't understand why you desided to try and get me worked up. But it's realy not working. I was about to say I got a troll but looked a your post on this site. You seam to have some know how and help with a few...
  15. Warlock1369

    Think the stress set me back a week?

    You see me everywhere cuz I'm here to help. And realy only fight with trolls and misinformed noobs passing on bad info. And what help did any of your post here do? Nobody asked what og ment.
  16. Warlock1369

    Think the stress set me back a week?

    What?? Why did you get butt hurt off that? You might of miss understood. I was agreeing with you and simply stated we have the talk about every month here. And have never played that game. I don't play games realy. And this douche bag can grow circles around you. I guess knowing answers and...
  17. Warlock1369

    Think the stress set me back a week?

    For most plants there is a transition stage. This is where the plant Gide from veg to flower. Depending on how old the veg plant is desides how long this is. Could be a few days or 2 weeks. That's the reason you don't count from the flip. Hold off till you start seeing flowers and count back 5...
  18. Warlock1369

    Think the stress set me back a week?

    This has been covered many times.
  19. Warlock1369

    Think the stress set me back a week?

    Well true og is a good smoke. But it's touchy to grow and a pain to trim. That's why I stopped growing it.
  20. Warlock1369

    Do I need to?

    I trim a ton at 2 weeks flower. Also get rid of any small branches on the bottom few inches of the plant. They won't do anything. But after that I don't tuch them. Just pull any bad leaves off. This is what they look like when I'm done.