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  1. DJBoxhouse

    Story: Getting Busted by the German Police

    Fucking brilliant! Long distance props to that officer who knew where the real issues lay. I honestly can't stand when people have skewed views of priority. Such the poopness.
  2. DJBoxhouse

    Best Console Game To Play High

    Geometry wars with an equally stoned friend. Also awesome on shrooms.
  3. DJBoxhouse

    crazy stoned idea

    Beautiful. Where did you plant it? In a potter? or just randomly like in the couch or something? haha wouldn't THAT just be the funniest thing?
  4. DJBoxhouse

    Edible Candy Tobacco Pipes, Anyone?

    I can only imagine, unfortunately... Such is youth.
  5. DJBoxhouse

    Look at my horse

    Oh weebl, how I love all the videos ever posted on this site. I remember back in the good old days on newgrounds, those were the days. The days when a hippopotamus could have noodles on his back and not be oppressed the ways they do. Magical trevor? anyone?
  6. DJBoxhouse

    Edible Candy Tobacco Pipes, Anyone?

    I'm going to vomit all over you OP. That's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard of, or at least have heard of in quite some time. I live on the internet too! I've seen some horrible shit, that's just icky though lol. I can only imagine somebody waiting a while, using it a bunch. Getting...
  7. DJBoxhouse

    Do YOU skateboard?

    I did once, back in my youth. Then I started smoking weed, and got too lazy to the extent where I wasn't daring enough, lol. I was content with my bike. Props to you guys though, watching skaters while high is real trippy. Doing mad flips n shit, always put on a nice show for me.
  8. DJBoxhouse

    Atheism Thread Revived!: Jesus style

    Ah, you're also a devote fan of TED talks eh? I watch them 24/7 lol. What am I going to do with you Morgen. lol.
  9. DJBoxhouse

    Philosophy of Life

    Yeah I know, but I'm sure I hit a soft spot, you like me, you know it ;D lol. Thanks for adding more by the way, your previous post really caught my attention. Although the deeper one delves into these questions, the more questions appear, and the harder they are to answer, one whom is...
  10. DJBoxhouse

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    Since we're talkin about rep, you know those green boxes to the left of them in your user control panel? I have one thats grayish blue, anyone know what that means? it has positive commentary to it so I dont think its neg. : <
  11. DJBoxhouse

    Is bestiality wrong?

    Amen brudda :joint::mrgreen:
  12. DJBoxhouse

    Johnny cash!!

    The great mr.Cash certainly was a legend and a half, I will agree with you right there. I'd argue though, that you'd be missing out moreso without some tool, pink floyd, beatles, queen, Mr stevie ray and clapton over Johnny.
  13. DJBoxhouse

    Is bestiality wrong?

    I do agree, although it DOES depress me that I cannot achieve the same post results in my threads when I try to be constructive about it. Then in contrast, there are these threads....and well, you can't help BUT post right? lol. an undeniable truth.
  14. DJBoxhouse

    Atheism Thread Revived!: Jesus style

    George Carlin, I loved that man. Always made me laugh lol. It's a good book for figurative moral reference via fables. Religion in a lot of ways is just Philosophy with Superstition and ritual. Since I don't support either of the two, I am left with it merely being a way of life. In which...
  15. DJBoxhouse


    Guys! I did something super! GET IN HERE!! You won't regret it, abandon ship baby, and onto my giant sea turtle of happy happy destruction!
  16. DJBoxhouse

    Atheism Thread Revived!: Jesus style

    That last thread was getting to be a bit much, so let's have a clean slate people! All you atheists, come here and post your funny/interesting/important/informational atheism stuff! Pictures, philosophy,books, stories, haircuts, tuna salad. Even just discuss atheism! In all of it's...
  17. DJBoxhouse


    This thread is officially dead. I tried, didn't I? I guess my hugs weren't as effective as I would have liked them to be... I'm going to go DJ myself to sleep *sniffles*
  18. DJBoxhouse

    Hey there bebe.

    Hey there bebe.
  19. DJBoxhouse

    What is your preferred way to smoke crappy weed?

    O.O I don't clean my paraphernalia until I have trouble smoking with it. That's some solid commitment you have to your pieces, props to you man but too much work for my blood, I'd rather spend that time smoking a bowl.