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    g13 labs power skunk and kc brains afghani special look sweet

    I feel like im looking in my grow box right now I have a lady g13 about 2 and 1/2 weeks into flowering right now and looks similar to yours.
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    Help lower Temp!!

    Look up cool mist humidifiers I heard they can lower temp as well as bring the humidity up. Someone on here mentioned these in another post a while back.
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    Curled and Thin Leaves (Pics) - What's wrong with it?!

    Definitely get a ph meter I could never get past the first couple of weeks without one because my plants kept dieing. Once I started to ph my water on my 2nd try the plants bounced back and are very healthy now. Its very important to monitor your ph input and runoff water.
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    Are these going to grow main colas?

    After rereading my message I realized how I sounded but can anyone tell me what the proper name for those lower branches.
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    Are these going to grow main colas?

    Are the shoots on the bottom going to grow main colas? Im confused to what they are because there were yellow fan leaves there that I cut off about 2 weeks ago maybe.
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    Should I remove the yellow leaves?

    Ive had them on their for 2 weeks now, does photosynthesis still occur in yellow leaves or are they just taking up space and blocking light from reaching the new growth and the nodes?
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    Should I remove the yellow leaves?

    Well my plant had a rough start in its early life due to high ph for a while and it cause some leaves to be like a piss yellow. Now after about 4 more leaf sets beautiful dark green its very healthy and is starting to fill its self in. Now my question is should I cut the old yellow fan leaves...
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    ph question

    I bought one of those to I think they are a piece of shit just get the digital one off ebay for like $25 and get extra calibration solution with it to. Ive had mine a couple of weeks and works great.
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    First SOG, Topped GrowJournal: BlueBerry

    Great grow you have going on there sir. I have my first two plant setup,which is just a preliminary stage for me to get some experience and iron out the kinks with my box. Ive been looking for a while what to do next and your grow has inspired me and Im thinking of doing something similar in...
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    This is a BIG ass Blunt

    I want the 2 minutes of my time back that I just wasted on this.
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    Bank Problems/ Security/ Attitude seed bank!?

    Ive ordered from attitude twice and choosing the express non stealth and my package always comes in under ten days. However ive never attempted a 250 dollar order but I have had no problems with them and ill definitely be coming back to them.
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    Need advice for choosing seed.

    From the research that I did when I ordered my seeds a few weeks ago northern lights and any skunk were recommended to beginner growers because of their reliance.
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    Slight MG def?

    There are no signs of nute burn what so ever the big one loves it and the little on in the corner hasnt grown at all really so im not sure what im doing with him yet, he did not receive full strength nutes. These plants arent young ive had them growing since 1/8 they just were struggling for...
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    Slight MG def? They look like what his leaves are doing. Also any input on my LST this is my first grow, so I dont want to hurt my plant or anything.
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    Slight MG def?

    Stays at 40% give or take a few percentages at any given time.
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    Slight MG def?

    All the lower bottom leaves being in bad shape was from nutrient lock out because I didnt have a good Ph reader for the first few weeks. Once I got one and corrected the ph the plant tripled in size since I think a week and a half ago 2 weeks top. All the new growth looks very green but the...
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    Slight MG def?

    Probable around every 5 days, they are in I think 3 gallon pots. From what I can tell the soil stays pretty moist through out the soil and I keep an eye on it with my soil moisture reader.
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    Slight MG def?

    Im using fox farm ocean forest with full strength grow big and 2 teaspoons of big bloom per gallon with 6.5 phed water with runoff around 6.8-7.0. Under a 150watt hps and 2 23 watt side lights, temps usually around 75-84 mostly under 80 though, and a 24/0 light cycle. Now the blades on my gid...