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  1. S

    help needed :)

    there is 24/7 h of ligt... and the temp is around 28-30C
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    help needed :)

    hi, can someone tell me how to grow on evador? right now im in Maldives islands when is best to plant seeds?
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    my first pc grow xexe i think it will be a good stuff :)

    so.imnnow sow stoned so its dificult to right there.... but enyway[----- so this is som baggseed from marocco farmer :D:D its growinvg very well.....its now in first week of flowering... so enyoy and giv me some advice :):):) peace:eyesmoke:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
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    Help guys! Northern Lights, Super Skunk (PICS)

    Hello. I'm using White Label Seeds. Feminised SUPER SKUNK and NORTHERN LIGHTS. The White Label Seed Company > Feminised Seeds Started from seed on 23rd of march. 28 days Used 400w HPS and now 24h ago switched to MH. Temperature is 24 - 27 C when the lights are on. 20 - 22 C when off...
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    HELP! Out of ideas... Too hot in my room...

    Ok, I will try it. But is it a long term solution? How long does it take for water to warm up? hmmmm
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    HELP! Out of ideas... Too hot in my room...

    Hello. My seedings are ready to go, but my growroom is not ready fot that. Size of my closet is 2 x 3 x 9. Im using 400w HPS. Im thinking about 400w MH for veg, but i think it even hotter than HPS?!?! Temeprature is 88 2 feet from my lamp. As im not using CO2 it is too much. Even if...
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    1st grow with BIOCANNA nutes...

    As I thought my pH meter is not so stable. I caliburated it 5 days ago and today i did it again. In 7,01 liquid it showed 7,20...
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    1st grow with BIOCANNA nutes...

    Not looking good anymore... Spots are back and even more intense. Only on one plant... After flush everything was looking good. pH of the soil is 6,6. I am not giving any nutes to White Widdow plants. This is the plant with spots. :hmmmm: This is the plant with curling leafs...
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    1st grow with BIOCANNA nutes...

    I went to pet shop and they had both PLUS and MINUS pH! Then i flushed my plants with 6,5 pH water. Now pH of the soil is 6,6. White widdow is looking better now. Only 2 bottom leafs got yellow and totally dry. 2nd White willdow - the one with curling leafs. Temperature is ok in there but...
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    1st grow with BIOCANNA nutes...

    I was lucky today and got pH meter for myself! :) I paid for it 50 USD. It was not the cheapest but still not very sierious. Guy in the shop told me that it will work perfect for atleast 6 months! Its enough for me! :) Here you can see pH level of my water (7,93) and water + nutrients (7,62)...
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    1st grow with BIOCANNA nutes...

    One of platns has only brighter spots on leafs. Looks a bit weird. But second one has some brown. Looking terrible... (only bottom leafs) Take a look guys!
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    1st grow with BIOCANNA nutes...

    Thanks guys! At the moment im only giving pure water to recover. I will update soon again! PEACE!
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    1st grow with BIOCANNA nutes...

    I have some problems with my Whit Widdow. This one has some weird spots... I think they want less nutes... Guys?!? This is my 2nd ww and looks great. It has some brown spots on one leaf. Ill probably cutt it off... 1st leaf. Day 13. Babies are looking good! (The Church -...
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    1st grow with BIOCANNA nutes...

    Looks that i had to use less nutes. Will use pure water for next days. Will make some pics and upload asap...
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    1st grow with BIOCANNA nutes...

    Hola! I'm not smoking pot but i still enjoy it! :) So i'll try to grow some for my dudes. As this is my first grow, im not a pro at all, so all the help and tips are appreciated. Im growing 2 "white widdow" bagseeds and 3 "the church" feminised seeds. This is the place where i started...