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  1. Userunknown

    Second opinion wanted please.

    Ive had the floppy ones stringed up. I just move them to the tub to water. ;) Thanks for the advice. So moving them to 12/12 will make them mature quicker? Ive had them on 24/0 from start. It wont cause any stress that id need to worry about?
  2. Userunknown

    Second opinion wanted please.

    Thanks for the input. Should i still be nuting? I flushed and have watered 3x since, thinking it was nearing an end. Finally got my scope in the mail when i made the post
  3. Userunknown

    Second opinion wanted please.

    This one is an autoflower. I struggled with it for a while. Thats why the leaves are rough. The 2 others, i had no issues with. Pretty strange. This one grew outrageously tall for an auto and had issues after the 2nd week on. Random deficiencies, then nute burn, and back to deficiencies. I...
  4. Userunknown

    Second opinion wanted please.

    Heres these pics.
  5. Userunknown

    Second opinion wanted please.

    I feel its ready to chop. Indica strain. Im just asking for second opinions on the trichomes. It put in a few pics. It was really difficult to get a decent pic through my loupe lol. Thanks in advance!
  6. Userunknown

    Helppp... please.

    Okay, thanks for the advice!
  7. Userunknown

    Helppp... please.

    Okay thanks. My water ph is around 5.7 out the tap. When i add nutes, its usually 5.9-6.1, depending on how much and of what i add. What should my ppm goal be when feeding?
  8. Userunknown

    Helppp... please.

  9. Userunknown

    Helppp... please.

    Ill consider it. Will it stunt anything making that lighting change? Also, the burnt tips are from the last time i nuted. I flushed and then it started looking worse. It started just a little up from the bottom. They both do. I didnt start adding any nutes until signs of phosphorous deficiency...
  10. Userunknown

    Helppp... please.

    Lights- 400w mars ii hydro Temps- usually around 75 Medium- mixed 1/3 FF ocean Forest, 2/3 roots organic Water ( type and PH ) tap water that i let sit uncovered at room temp for 48 hrs. Last watering, i had the water ph'ed at 6.24, runoff was 6.38, so 6.31. All 3 landed in the 6.3 to 6.35...
  11. Userunknown

    Helppp... please.

    I touched on this on my previous post. Ive upped my amount of nutes and added cal/mag. Seems to be getting wors3, and my buds on the 2 most affected are not really swelling up any. PH is 6.3 (should i get them to 6.5?) Most affected- left(fresh candy auto) and back(white widow auto) The white...
  12. Userunknown

    Trouble I don’t understand. Need advice.

    Okay, that makes sense. I thought you meant soil water runoff haha. Maybe too much water? How often are you watering? Also, i dont believe you are supposed to water the stock. Thats what is likely causing the stock rot issue.
  13. Userunknown

    What am i doing wrong?

    Wait for confirmation before fully taking my advice, btw. Im still in the newbie category as well. I have just had a lot of reading, and experienced a lot of "donts" first hand lmao
  14. Userunknown

    What am i doing wrong?

    Gotcha. Probably needs nutes then. How big is your pot? Never cheap on soil! Just friendly advice
  15. Userunknown

    Trouble I don’t understand. Need advice.

    Also. Looks like you have a light touch of nuteburn starting at the tips
  16. Userunknown

    Trouble I don’t understand. Need advice.

    Wait, you use runoff water for what? Also, are they getting enough water? Kinda hard to fully tell, but looks like a watering issue, whether it be too much or not enough. Im guessing not enough.
  17. Userunknown

    What am i doing wrong?

    What kind of soil are you using? Also, the mylar/reflective stuff you are using needs to be tighter pulled. You are going to create hotspots with it being loose like that
  18. Userunknown

    Phosphorus deficiency or?

    Im thinking about LST more for height management. I irresponsibly lost track of when flower began. This is my first run with autos, so didnt even think about it since i never flipped the light schedule. 43 days from germination
  19. Userunknown

    Phosphorus deficiency or?

    Thanks, btw!
  20. Userunknown

    Phosphorus deficiency or?

    Okay, good. Thats what I thought. Does it sound like ive hit the nail on the head? The lights need raised. I gotta get creative on how im pulling that off. Its about 12" from my tallest one. 16" from my shortest. For autos, the one with the issues sure is growing! 3ft and counting. Had to remove...