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  1. gillis.222

    Do these seedling look off

    So i recently had a mild white mildew problem out doors. I am starting moms for indoors and i wasnt sure if these seedling look off. Opinions? Heres some shots and shots under my loop.
  2. gillis.222

    New to outdoor.

    2-3 months left
  3. gillis.222

    New leaves are curling need some advice

    went from the clone pot to a 5gal
  4. gillis.222

    Please help is it heat stress or what?!

    What was your original problem?
  5. gillis.222

    New leaves are curling need some advice

    I am using soiless. and have only fed 1.5 times in 5 weeks
  6. gillis.222

    New leaves are curling need some advice

    Mine look similar soil tho. prettys ure they were under watered a bit and also i do have a tonne of air moving like a tonne
  7. gillis.222

    New leaves are curling need some advice

    did you find out what the issue was?
  8. gillis.222

    New to outdoor.

    So i put these out a month or two ago the bushiest one was a mother (single plant in photo) Should i be trimming these?
  9. gillis.222

    Thoughts? [HELP!]

    what do you mean my "move" lift it up or down, pinch?
  10. gillis.222

    Thoughts? [HELP!]

    So here are 2 clones i decided to keep inside and do a scrog. I don't know if i am over watering or under watering or what. I put about 2l of water in each 5gal smart pot in past week. they sort of perked up after watering. I am using Pro-mix BX for soil with a few handfuls of per lite mixed...
  11. gillis.222

    HELP! Whats happening to my plant? will this work
  12. gillis.222

    HELP! Whats happening to my plant?

    Not much some magical from technaflora
  13. gillis.222

    HELP! Whats happening to my plant?

    16 inches had the problem when it was 30 inches tho
  14. gillis.222

    HELP! Whats happening to my plant?

    Temps 29-32c Lights 2x MARS HYDRO 1000W TS Tent. 2x4x5 Fans Recently upgraded fans yesterday getting temps 27-29C and have low negative pressure I did have thrips but I've managed to take care of them with a bit of dish soap 1% water solution and yellow stickies
  15. gillis.222

    Help, Leafs turning yellow and getting brittle.

    temps are around 27-29C have a new inline fan on ist way in the mail.
  16. gillis.222

    Help, Leafs turning yellow and getting brittle.

    Using a "1000w" equivilant LED light 24inches above plants ina 2x2 soil: miracle grow moisture control potting mix Strain W.W. by crop king They seem to get worse with watering but dont seem to improve 24 hours without water?