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  1. melonfarmer

    Need help, plant showing signs of both nitrogen toxicity and defficiency

    I water when the soil gets dry, like once every two days. I had problems with overwatering in the beggining but I'm sure I'm doing it right now. The plant is in a 15l pot, with a soil mixture that now I know its too hot, I'll get the details later after I check the products. I bought some Peters...
  2. melonfarmer

    Need help, plant showing signs of both nitrogen toxicity and defficiency

    Hi guys, this is my first thread and grow and I need a little help here. My plant is 35 days into flowering under a 400w hps and until now I could diagnose and treat all of her problems, mostly caused by my noobie mistakes. But recently it's upper leaves began clawing, and by the time I found...