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    How much nutes to give autos

    So I have currently been giving a quarter dose of nutes. Notice my one plant is showing phosphorus issues. I already flushed last week. Ran 8 gallons through a 2.5 gallon pot. She just started showing this issue. With a quarter dose, ph of water was decently high around 7.2, with a half dose of...
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    What is this?

    At the very least I need it to survive until 13 more days, so that's the bright side. It's not a ph issue, because I tested the run off and it was fine. So if its not a ph, and probably not a nute lockout problem since I just flushed last week, im assuming it needs nutrients. Im running out of...
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    When I bumped it to 1/2 nutes it dropped my ph to around 6.3. So I started doing that, cross our fingers this is the issue.
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    What is this?

    I bumped to 1/2 nutes, and like Bob said it dropped my ph. I started feeding that to my plants now. The plant was flushed a week ago, and watered once with a quarter strength. She is 7 weeks and one day old. I hope this works and thats all she was craving was more nutes
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    What is this?

    Your saying that would be good for my autos is to crank it up to 1/2 nutes?
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    What is this?

    I will check again, but I think it just dropped it down to mabe 7.1. I only use a quarter of recommended nutes as well. That could be a factor.
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    What is this?

    My nute water is pretty much the same. Looks like its hanging around 7.2 mabe 7.1. I dont have ph down or up, and not gonna buy it either. Organic growers use lemon juice and vinegar, so thats what I'm going with. It should work fine, better nothing
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    What is this?

    So your suggesting to balance out water and add nutes?
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    What is this?

    Would vinegar work better?
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    What is this?

    Ya, last time I fed only water, and now I'm here. So I dont think just plain water will fix it. It either needs nutrients in the soil, or ph needs adjusted
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    What is this?

    Im week 7 into grow though, will the ph buffer ware off? Im happy frog, not ocean soil
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    Yes, that's all I got.
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    What is this?

    I will just feed next time with fresh ph balanced water to see if that fixes her.
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    What is this?

    So your saying no nutes?
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    What is this?

    When I did a slurry test with the soil, it seems to read the same at the water, ofcourse the water im using is 7.2 so that makes sense. I just flushed last week, and only fed once so can't imagine its nute lockout
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    What is this?

    I only transplanted once they are autos. I transplanted probably 5 weeks ago
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    What is this?

    Fox farm happy frog. My water ph is around 7.2 so I assume adding lemon juice would help drop the ph. Could that be causing issues?
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    Fixing ph

    So I flushed last week, but I flushed with water that was at mabe 7.2. So im still having some nutrient issues. Im now going to add lemon juice to my water to drop ph a little. Should I do a small flush with plain ph water until its showing its ph, or should I flush with nutrient water that is ph.
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    What is this?

    Ok so water ph is around 7.2. So im gonna start adding mabe lemon juice to my water. Mabe 1.5ml per gallon.
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    What is this?

    I see potassium deficiency with excess calcium, but nothing on phosphorus