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  1. C

    Deformed Leaves

    oh lol. I thought it was a typo, I didn't know what rh was. but its around 40-50%
  2. C

    Deformed Leaves

    going it at around 6.5, 7
  3. C

    Deformed Leaves

    root soul synthetics grow. I'll cut back on watering a bit too.
  4. C

    Deformed Leaves

    You recommend feeding them every other water? I will move them into bigger pots now. The top inch of the soil is atleast dry once I water them. Temps were around 79-81 degrees, then I moved them a little closer to the light, but i will back them off a bit. Thanks, much appreciated.
  5. C

    Deformed Leaves

    This is my first time grow. I have 3 snow white's in their 24th day of veg. I am using root soul synthetics grow every other day. The solo plant in the pic is 8 inches tall but has the most deformed leaves. Idk if this is a problem or not. Is it just a bad seed? The other 2 are 6 and 5 inches...