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  1. M

    First grow - help!

    250w Hps it is, Thanks for the advice guys. I'll keep you updated on how this goes once i head out to the store and buy the rest of this stuff.
  2. M

    First grow - help!

    Hey, so i recently decided to purchase a few Angelmatic (fem. auto). As it's my first time growing i decided to go the easy and cheap route. I have yet to buy the things i need to get this going so i thought i'd post up my list here to get a few questions answered. Plan (2 plants): Indoor grow...
  3. M

    New Grower, New to RIU!

    I'll check it out
  4. M

    New Grower, New to RIU!

    What's good RIU! Mhs here, new to RIU and growing. I've yet to start growing as i'm a bit low on funds at this time but within the week I'll be up and running! Any info you can provide is welcomed as well as links to helpful threads would be nice. I'm looking to go the CFL route with soil...