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  1. PANGcake

    Bubblegum 3 weeks flower + clones

    Thanks! :mrgreen:
  2. PANGcake

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Thats the right way of drying ur MJ... That bud looks ready...leaves pointing up...lovely! :bigjoint: It doesnt feel like a nightmare cuz u know its gonna taste sooo much better =P Hanging the plants whole makes for a slow drying so that all the chlorophyll will break down. Then when u trim...
  3. PANGcake

    Bubblegum 3 weeks flower + clones

    Sorry for lil fuzzy pics. Pic 1: Mother and daughter. The daughter was taken as clone 8 weeks ago and has served as mother for some clones to come. Shes soon been flowering for 2 weeks. Pic 2: Layla in the tub. I flushed her too, but only to give nutes again on Sunday, she has another 10-14...
  4. PANGcake

    Bubblelicious, clone to harvest + bonus: gel or powder?

    So in a day or two its time to plant the first 2-4 clones into soil. So far the clones dipped in the powder has rooted far beyond those dipped in Clonex. As I have stated earlier in this thread my Clonex is past best-b4-date but worked just fine last time i cloned 6 weeks ago on the same strain...
  5. PANGcake

    Flushing not necessary

    Yes they recomend use of their nutes with every's just fine and they grow good. I have noticed for my Bubblegums that the week 6 on BioBizz chart is a bit heavy to my ladies, may vary from strain to strain. U dont starve the flushing it u get rid of sediment build ups...
  6. PANGcake

    My First Baby

    By the looks from ur pics they look overwatered. They dont look to need water for a week! xD
  7. PANGcake

    Bubblegum 3 weeks flower + clones

    Ty lady! Yeah those plants are also amazing. I love "gardening" :mrgreen:
  8. PANGcake

    Mandala SATORI Grow [400W]

    They look fine...dont look that burnt...prolly will get right back to it =P Good job! :peace:
  9. PANGcake

    Bubblegum 3 weeks flower + clones

    So today I picked out me left lady, lets give her a name, Berta, Big Berta :bigjoint:for a closer look. I could allready see in the flower room that Berta had a kinda bronzing tint to her and Layla (yeah I named her just now thinking of Eric Claptons song Layla, candy for my ears;-), right lady)...
  10. PANGcake

    CaL's half-a-day drying and curing method

    That clothes drying thingy fer sure is gonna take away most flavours, all that air moving is gonna "blow it out". They get pretty hot or u have 1 only blowing air? At least doing the "curing" process inbetween will keep more flavours and scents. I seen seasoned growers dry their outdoors crops...
  11. PANGcake

    Timer did not go off!

    give them 12 hour of darkness to stress ur plant as little as possible and not to make hormones fluctuate, might hermie a plant, and if u wanna bump them back on track to same time schedule do it slowly, like max 30mins a day. :peace:
  12. PANGcake

    Help!!! gf sabotaged my plant and now its dying!! see pics

    The old "My GF." :mrgreen: Wasnt it more likely you who were too baked and forgot u allready had PH'd and u did it twice and forgot to test or something? jk...hope u get them back on track =) :peace:
  13. PANGcake

    Bud hairs turning redish purple?

    What happens in nature is that the days get shorter when a ganja plant flowers and the nights get longer, hence a MJ plant wouldnt suddenly get more light, more likely less. :mrgreen: As long as u keep at least around 12 of darkness or more ur fine, but playing w the lights and suddenly lengthen...
  14. PANGcake

    Flushing not necessary

    I use BioBizz whole line of nutrients for soil. The manufacturer recomends flushing last week and no nutrients added. I dont think the manufacturer would recomend a flush unless they feel its necessary, I mean they would make more money telling people to use nutes all the way up till harvest. I...
  15. PANGcake

    Quick dry smalls buds for something to smoke?

    Try this:
  16. PANGcake

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Bubblegum at 52 days 12/12 :peace: //CaL
  17. PANGcake

    electric bills? whats yours a month?

    100-120$/month. 400W hps + 1 x 200W cfl + 4 x 23w cfl + 4 x fluoros + 3 x fans and included living. :joint:
  18. PANGcake

    CaL's half-a-day drying and curing method

    Ur welcome! If u only have like 5-6 hours till u wanna smoke, after 2 times in oven and 2 times in jar, cut in small pieces an let sit in oven for bout 5-15mins and its dry enough to smoke.
  19. PANGcake

    Quick dry smalls buds for something to smoke?

    Then he needs to go buy cigars to get a box...very expensive. :blsmoke:
  20. PANGcake

    CaL's half-a-day drying and curing method

    First of all let me tell you guys that "fast drying" is NEVER RECOMENDED unless ur outta green ($$$ or :leaf::leaf::leaf:). But since many of us just cant wait sometimes, for different reasons, I decided to share w u guys my experience in fast drying So I've read a few threads bout drying ur...