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  1. F

    Confused by nutes and schedules

    Thanks guys, very informative answers. Friend of mine who I see every few weeks has an EC pen so maybe I will try to borrow it periodically to check my levels. Other than that, I will take your advice of feeding every watering (more often than I had thought, I will go easy at first to check...
  2. F

    First indoor grow help please

    Sorry to sorta threadjack but what's the worry with uploading pics? If they are stripped of the exif data, show nothing indentifiable and you upload via tor, is there anything to worry about? I ask because I've uploaded pics to the site now you got me worrying lol!
  3. F

    Confused by nutes and schedules

    OK, so I got a lot of advice before buying my setup, but now I feel like a fool when reading about what to feed my plants when it comes to it. So I have a lot of questions, sorry. I'll number them to make it (hopefully) easier to answer! 1) I'm growing in rockwool blocks in coco coir. I was...
  4. F

    "Tickover" tent and other cloning questions

    Danny, that's excellent, thanks very much for that, really useful!
  5. F

    "Tickover" tent and other cloning questions

    Sandx, I don't want to do a perpetual grow just yet, which is why I will want to just keep the (future) mother ticking over a few months until I start up again. Having two areas isn't an issue. I would be taking clones from mom and floweing them rather than floweing the mom. In the future, I...
  6. F

    "Tickover" tent and other cloning questions

    I'm intrigued by LED bulbs, but all the hydro shops I've visited don't sell them because of the unreliable results. From what I hear they have come on on leaps and bounds since their early days but I don't know enough about them, nor do I know anyone who does, to take the plunge. CFL might be...
  7. F

    Deficiency or overload?

    Everything is looking much healthier today after flushing Tuesday night and starving them yesterday. Plan to starve them today as well then water either tonight or tomorrow morning. One of the blocks, containing a blueberry, was falling to bits so I carefully removed the 4" block from the plug...
  8. F

    Question about types of HID light

    Thanks for the reply UncleReemis. As I say I'm not contemplating switching. I understand the benefit of the MH bulb's spectrum, not to mention the cost benefit of running a 250W bulb vs a 600W 24 hours a day, or the fact that a 600W sodium would probably fry my babies! It was more out of...
  9. F

    "Tickover" tent and other cloning questions

    I'm thinking ahead to plan for cloning any decent looking plants out of my initial seed grow. I don't want to have a perpetual grow because I can't afford the electricity, don't need that much weed and don't want the stress and hassle. I want to knock it on the head for a good few months and...
  10. F

    New to growing - which to keep, which to kill?

    That is what we plan to do actually, my post wasn't all that accurate, I was speaking figuratively! Have a spot in mind. Was going to grow until they are in fairly stable veg, then transplant into a grow bag and put that in the ground at my chose spot. I figure if they get eaten, at least the...
  11. F

    Question about types of HID light

    Hi guys and gals, wasn't sure whether to post in newby central, but as my question is relating to lights, here goes. I am currently raising my seedlings under a 250W metal halide. After cocking up the feed initially, all seems to be getting back on track. For when I eventually get to...
  12. F

    need some advice people

    I don't know what pine does to soil, so I can't comment on that. I do know that mulching ash from fires into soil doesnt do it any harm at least. Get the soil real well aerated too. If you aren't in a rush to grow, do some root vegetables in there this year and it will get the soil nice.
  13. F

    New to growing - which to keep, which to kill?

    Nah mate too technical for me I like a nice simple non technical life! These forums are about as online as I get.
  14. F

    New to growing - which to keep, which to kill?

    Haha I dont know where you get that impression, I'm totally clueless! Managed to nute burn my babies before they even got out of seedling stage! The only thing I have in my favour is that I really love ganja. I use it medicinally and recreationally and have done so for many years so I am...
  15. F

    Bubble hash help

    I've run bubble hash a few times so will try and help if I can. You ask what you are doing wrong, but I don't actually see any problem with your results. You will naturally get variation in the colours and texture and "behaviour" of the hash you get, even from the same plant, because of the...
  16. F

    New to growing - which to keep, which to kill?

    It does seem extremely popular, the SLH. Cannot find one bad review of it. Sure, people say its leggy, people say it's slow to flower, but noone seems to think that is a good enough reason not to grow it. Today, after flushing all the plants last night, the SLH, the auto and the...
  17. F

    New to growing - which to keep, which to kill?

    If I do find myself able to go to flower before culling the super lemon haze, what should I look for in terms of the phenotype? Really spell it out for me I have no idea :)
  18. F

    Deficiency or overload?

    Thanks again for the advice guys.. I've flushed everything through really well. 20 litres over the nine seedlings, this should also provide some humidity from the waste tray. I don't really understand the ec thing, sorry. is it something to do with measuring salt content or something like...
  19. F

    Do my babies look healthy?

    Try getting into smoking meat.... Whole different ballpark when she won't let you concrete the garden to build a smokehouse!
  20. F

    New to growing - which to keep, which to kill?

    Ooh dear mudhead! I've heard it's not very forgiving. If they don't pull through at least I have backup!