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  1. J

    Fight a traffic ticket with court advise

    I would definitely try getting to moved. Call the courthouse and find out. The worst that will happen is you get a "No". I could be completely out of line but it sounds like they are trying to get you to plead guilty by paying the ticket. That's how it works here at least. Paying the ticket...
  2. J

    Fight a traffic ticket with court advise

    Never heard of someone having to pay for a ticket before seeing the judge. Always had to talk to the Assistant DA or DA who determines the final amount of the ticket, then the judge who asks for your plea (or throws the ticket out), then you pay if you plead guilty or are found guilty. Sounds...
  3. J

    damn plants are going yellow

    Don't rip them out. They still look perfectly capable of pulling through. I abused the hell out of seedlings when I first started and never lost one. Some of the ones that I thought were done for even came back and put the others to shame. Give her a chance, she'll make it.
  4. J

    Leaves begining to discolor. Ideas needed.

    Indoors DWC in 5 gallon bucket 400W HPS ~3 Weeks into flowering Light 1.5 feet from highest stem Flora Grow/Micro/Bloom nutes 4 tsp Grow, 7 tsp Micro, 8 tsp Bloom total for 4 gallons of water Water changed every Saturday, add pHed tap water as needed in between changes. 5.9 pH on current...