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  1. W

    can we sell budd on here

    obviously trolling
  2. W

    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    Thanks for the reply. I have a 250w hps and I know its supposed to be higher than what I have it. It never seems close enough to burn my hand when i place it an inch above the plant. I raised the light a few more inches to help with heat regardless since that may be why the plant has sort of...
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    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    Four days ago they got straight distilled water. The bigger plant had actually decided to kill off approximately 2 or 3 of its fan leaves in this time as it has a slight potassium deficiency. I watered them again last night with another dose of bloom nutes including water mixed in that I had...
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    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    Just posting an update looking for whatever feedback is offered. The smaller plant is still giving me hell. I would say they are about 4 weeks into flower and the pistils are just beginning to turn orange / brown on the smaller plant. I've diagnosed the problem as a calcium deficiency and...
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    Bananas to cure potassium deficiency?

    What kind of miracle grow soil are you using? If its the slow release soil that already has nutrients in it then you may be overfeeding your plants which would case the tips to burn. I believe in the first two weeks of life the plant does not need any extra nutrients but I could be wrong on this.
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    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    I understand that you can tell sex from the preflowers. I was just wondering because I couldn't tell the sex of the plants for sure until after a few days into flowering yet its clearly evident on the clone which has never left the 18/6 schedule. The description of potassium deficiency sounds...
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    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    Now, what I'm really concerned about is my plants in flowering. I also took a picture of them with the water jug so you can see how big they are. The smaller plant is the one showing the most problems and was definitely the one that gave me the most trouble during the veg stage. Both of...
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    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    Alright. Lets start out with the clones. I put a water jug so you can get a better feel for how big they are. They've been rooted for about two weeks now under 140 watts of cfl's. There is no direct wind being blown inside the closet but air can freely exchange in and out since the door...
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    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    No replies?!? Guess I'll just do what I think is best.
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    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    Just bumping before I go to sleep so maybe I can get some input so I can head to the store first thing tomorrow. Cheers
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    first timer plzz help

    Going to need pics of the plants.
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    need advice and info with flowering plant

    What makes the plants go into flower is prolonged periods of darkness. Light destroys an enzyme which builds up in the plant during darkness. When that enzyme builds up enough it tells the plant that its ready to flower.
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    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    I wasn't talking about watering the clones tomorrow, I was talking about watering my plants in flowering. However Ill probably wait on that as well since apparently I have the wrong fertilizer. Would you recommend any good flowering ferts from Lowes or Meyers? If not what would you recommend...
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    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    Sorry, its not a soft lightbulb its a soft white cfl. Yes I know I wasn't giving the plants enough light but I couldn't put them into flowering until I got my hps bulb which took longer than expected. I had 3 plants growing for like 2 months under 140 watts of cfl light. The biggest one...
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    Plant problem, wondering if feeding too many nutes??? Help please... :D

    From another post on the forums. "I use hydroponics ph down,in soil. i got it at the hydro store but the guy at the hydro store told me its okay to use in aquariums,hydroponics,and soil that there basically the same things just made by different brands with different labels. so im guessing...
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    Plant problem, wondering if feeding too many nutes??? Help please... :D

    Look for PH up / down online or at a nearby hydro store. Vinegar will work to lower ph and baking soda will raise ph. I've never used either myself and I've seen some people say that baking soda is for emergency use only as it could cause a salt buildup in your soil after repeated use. I've...
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    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    Hey Xan, sorry about your plants. I don't mind you borrowing the thread for a bit. I wouldn't give up on them until I did everything I possibly could. Unfortunately I'm just as lost as you are about your problem. I guess take the advice given here and flush your plants with water, add...