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  1. bud nugbong

    Whats wrong with my leaves

    Stellar nugs for the newbie section!. I would say too much ferts rather than a def. That's just a guess. Really didn't even see it until the close ups.
  2. bud nugbong


    All the facts are out, seems to be the wrong place to be robbing stores and attacking police.
  3. bud nugbong

    2014 Backyard Grow

    wow, I work on a farm that's under 200 acres(which I consider a pretty big area), I cant imagine a fire in the thousands , let alone multiple ones!! Out west is getting crazy huh? I hear about the water shortages and fires all the time.
  4. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    Thanks derr, at least I got the 3 girls out there, and handful more at home. wont be getting as much as last year but I should get a decent amount if all goes well... Im starting to wonder what to do with the male at home. I don't want to wait too long to pull out, but ive got nowhere to put it...
  5. bud nugbong

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Cutting down the male :finger:...The one behind it was a male too
  6. bud nugbong

    Seems gay to me

    any old timers with legit opinions?..
  7. bud nugbong

    Seems gay to me

    And just because I find flagrant homosexuality a bit funny doesn't make me a homophobe. Im in my mid 20's and from a pretty liberal place, always had respect for gay people and their rights. I don't want to hear anything about gay bashing! I also think I did wrong posting this in the music...
  8. bud nugbong

    Seems gay to me

    I made this thread to see what older people thought of bowie coming out of the closet then denying it...RIU cant handle it. too many sensitive teenagers.
  9. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    Went out for a feeding. Finally could see if that tall one was a male, and yes it was. Also the one behind it:cry:....So now there are only 3 females out there. Two are kindof close together, but will get more sun with these 2 down. The 3rd is the one with barely any hole underneath it so im not...
  10. bud nugbong

    Easy Cloning!

    Ive done quite a few just cutting (near the bottom of the plant seem to take better) splitting bottom of cutting vertically, poking a hole in soil with toothpick and sticking the cutting in. Lightly pack around and put in indirect light for a few days. No domes, hormones,or heatpads. Right into...
  11. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    Got some shots of the home batch. Biggest potted one I have, The male, Big mama that got transplanted into the ground (raised bed) and a shot of the 3 that look more like one big plant. I used some of that captain jacks last night. I was worried about mixing it too strong and killing the...
  12. bud nugbong

    rend pawl would ban all abortions, birth control.

    Uncle buck is obviously running against randy paul in an upcoming election.. This is just his Campaign manager spreading hate. And nodrama , I like the pic of the cops going from local guys to army force. But the answer is when they formed a union...You can get what you want when your in a...
  13. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    Yea I was thinking that about the moon, And even if we colonized mars and made the domes, maybe over time the "exaust" from the many city domes would create some sort of atmosphere... send out animals to test the air every few hundred years. I got a D in chemistry in HS and I don't really know...
  14. bud nugbong

    Wat do you see that can be of concern

    and with a potted plant like that I like to lift to see how heavy the soil feels instead of a finger poke.
  15. bud nugbong

    Wat do you see that can be of concern

    I don't agree with 666, I think you should have transplanted a couple weeks ago when you started this thread (not sure if you did or not)And I am basing this on the pic of the one in white pot, way too small...And your not sure if your ready for harvest? Its been what about 3-4 weeks since it...
  16. bud nugbong

    northeast outdoor 2014

    bummer man, just another bump in the road...
  17. bud nugbong

    lack of bees

    Look up mason bee houses, I made one this spring and have never had so many tomatoes and all of my peppers. It was easy to make and made a huge difference.
  18. bud nugbong

    Seems gay to me

    That first PM was so sweet, what happened?
  19. bud nugbong

    Seems gay to me

    you are a bitch. thanks for the 1st nice PM
  20. bud nugbong

    Seems gay to me

    PinwormWell-Known Member I just wanted to shoot you some love. didn't want you to think I have it out for you or something. lol. you're a good peoples. Pinworm, Yesterday at 10:04 AM Report Reply PinwormWell-Known Member psyche. Pinworm, Yesterday at 8:05 PM Report Reply PinwormWell-Known...