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    Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

    That's a good idea as Pfizer doses increase $400%. Wonder how the inside politician traders feel about this? I'm looking at you Cocaine Mitch. Your hospitals were already clogged. Covid is ober buddy, in case you didn't get the memo. Unless of course there's another lab leak from Boston...
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    Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

    Hell no. We should all roll up our sleeves and our kids sleeves and be forced to take the Unconstitutional jab to honor these heroes that served and fought with their lives to defend our Constitution. Hundreds of times more contagious is hundreds of times less deadly though because experts...
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    Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

    Exactly, delivered right to your heart, brain and blood vessels as we now well know. Right? I knew two people that died of Covid, the disease made one wreck his bike on the way home from drinking and the other get electrocuted at work for some strange reason.
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    Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

    When dealing with a vaccine that does not confer immunity, I fail to see why "It's better to get sick than vaccinated" Isn't accurate and firmly rooted in science. Yet every media outlet and Fauci saying the vaccine did confer immunity and then Pfizer admitting they did no testing in that...
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    Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

    At least that is a scientifically sound argument and much better than the rebuttal. Your argument is basically vax your kids against the sniffles. With emergency Trump juice.
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    Elons Little Plan

    I'm not sure what you're saying here but I can only hope you have some idea and would share.
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    Elons Little Plan

    I have high hopes you will achieve wordsmith status after you discern the subtle difference between "attempt" and "do".
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    Elons Little Plan

    Try to stay in the now, for example: 80% of Americans disagree with you on every aspect of this issue. 54% of Democrats even. That 54% however will only disagree in anonymous polling and not to your face or any quasi public fashion. It's sort of why your side feels like they're in the...
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    Elons Little Plan

    I fully agree that the average attention span on issues is about that of a gnat however its not relegated to either side as you've attempted here. What's the rage of the week? I've heard Putin droned civilians with Iranian drone tech. Few will remember that the tech came from a downed US...
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    Elons Little Plan

    You're doing it all wrong. Historically, you are not supposed to eat your own until after you've established full power and they have nowhere to go. You being the extreme totalitarian radical forever war Left.
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    Elons Little Plan

    The Republicans kind of suck, always have; they are not the solution to all our problems. On the other hand though, the Democrats are the source of all our problems. They have decided to be the extreme Leftists we all knew they were. Those who are not still remain in silent opposition...
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    Elons Little Plan

    Dependency is a step in that direction.
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    Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

    Lol didn't notice that. Isn't this modernas first actual anything? They're destroying millions of doses of Moderna in Europe somewhere. I think they're expired.
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    Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

    Silly taxpayer, you need to run for office. Then you can start making your trades on emergency related stocks before emergencies.
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    Stayed by the 8th circuit. Injunction moving to adjudication and likely the Supreme Court.
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    Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

    Highest rent in the country with beautiful views of homeless junkies taking cabbage dumps near your windows. Fully accurate as was the rest.
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    Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

    It's funny because I know you are new to this rhetoric. You are a new Democrat voter, so eager to belong to the group and it really shows. I was in Oakland about 6 months ago and drove and walked around a bit after business. That "sound policy" sure is playing out swell.
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    Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

    So true. It helps me to think of those numbers in seconds for perspective.
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    Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

    Thank you for demonstrating <3 I would say you love Joe but since you're in LA I know you really love $7 gas and losing Electoral votes. Joe was just your conduit.