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  1. AnimusManifesto


    yeah..Zeitgeist is kind wack check out the john birch society
  2. AnimusManifesto

    Ancient pot stash found in China tomb

    i bet that shit would blow your mind
  3. AnimusManifesto

    Ice in your Bong

    i will have to try this hot water method..
  4. AnimusManifesto

    Check out this Streaming Movie

    i have since changed my mind about this movie.. fuck shows some interesting things but it has its very biased moments and quite possibly ridiculous ideas, though i do believe in some of what it preaches because of many other sources to back the facts up.
  5. AnimusManifesto


    what about aluminum foil? same as mirror?
  6. AnimusManifesto

    Check out this Streaming Movie

    bump watch it :mrgreen:
  7. AnimusManifesto

    Airport Bust

    how much trouble would you have been in if you were caught? but damn, thats awesome lol
  8. AnimusManifesto

    Toenail Art!

    well done.. looks sweet
  9. AnimusManifesto

    Check out this Streaming Movie

    If you haven't already seen the film, it is an excellent place to start off with anti-globalism and government secrets/conspiracies. There is much to be researched and reviewed along these lines.`s in my sig.