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    Bump If You're Baked!

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    Stanley Cup Play-off Predictions

    Bruins beat the habs, Vancouver beats.....I forget what team, Chicago beats Calgary...and Boston and Saint Jose end up in the finals with SJ winning in 6.
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    Baptist preacher beaten by border patrol

    Well, most people don't need to be told but I'm sure you know full well there's no way everyone is just suddenly going to stop being idiots. While people like me and you don't do things to harm people, there's always going to be people who will. Take it from there, I hit the bong too hard to...
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    From my expierience a creeper is a type of weed that takes a little while longer to kick in. It's not a strain though. I'm not sure if it's certain strains or if it's something else but I've smoked Jack Herer and it had the creeper effect.
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    Baptist preacher beaten by border patrol

    While a lot of cops are idiots, you wouldn't get very far without some form of law inforcment.
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    No more negative effects then taking meds like advil and tylonol regularly. In fact Those meds have caused reaction in some people and causes thousands of fatalities every year. Weed hasn't directly killed anyone but like you said, smoke is harmful. Pretty much anything except air will harm your...
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    just say NO to HR 669

    The biggest thing that bothers me is that it seems like just one more way for the government to have a say in our personal lives.
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    f#ck, I BROKE the golden rule, and now I pay for it

    Wow, you reacted completly different then I would have. If someone even took my weed out of my hands without my permission they would learn never to take another persons weed again. You must be a saint...
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    s it really wrong

    Well you make it sound like it's you you're talking about. Why else would you ask the question if you're not thinking about it?
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    This thread is in your honor gogrow (fuckyou)

    Some people don't realize how stupid they sound complaining to people who actually enjoy and use the site right.....
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    heroin*******piss test****help

    Where I'm from dope is just another word for weed. Is it strictly heroin in most other places?
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    Chap stick blunts?

    Yep, and that goes for the flavours people put in their bongs. I use my bong every day but If I wanted my weed to taste like apples I would have smoked out of an apple. :lol:
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    Chap stick blunts?

    Found more stuff, take it for what it's worth....Not surprisingly ChapStick Classic Lip Balm scores in 8 of 12 toxic parameters. Chapstick lip balm contains one carcinogen - Saccharin. Definitely NOT the kind of chemical you want to be using on your lips! Cancer Linkage This product also...
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    Chap stick blunts?

    Apparently the stuff in Chap stick is toxic.... Here's what I found. "There are three main active ingredients in the stronger lip balms--Camphor, Menthol, and Phenol. Camphor and Menthol are basically harmless, but Phenol is a skin irritant. Phenol is put in the...
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    Chap stick blunts?

    Wouldn't it just make the joint harsher? I'm not a big fan of putting ANYTHING on my weed and whatever else I smoke. Too much contaiminated food and bad chemicals to be just adding crap to my weed. When I smoke it's 100% weed or nothing at all.
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    tradgedy on a saturday

    So is just about any other food on the market today. Poison is passing for edible food more and more each day.
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    Chap stick blunts?

    Wtf? Thats one of the shitties ideas I've heard. Just do like normal people and wet the joint. Why would they wanna be smoking burned chap stick?
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    I just lost a best friend

    There's nothing wrong with hunting animals that you eat. It's shooting animals and leaving them that's wrong. Anyway, sorry for your loss bro. It's always tough to lose someone you're close to.
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    Is there anything you dont like about pot?

    I hate the feeling of it wearing off. Also as someone else mentioned, I hate smoking on a downbuzz. I don't get the same effect. It's like the high without the happy.
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    tradgedy on a saturday

    I'm sure if the glue is under water it wouldn't be the healthiest thing in the world. And for the record I asked where the break is and he didn't asnwer so It's none of our faults that we don't know where it's broke.