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  1. xxRolandxx

    When to transplant to bigger pots?

    Agreed with what everyone said except for the completely dry part. I like to water about 2 days before I transplant so it holds together well (if too wet it`s like mud and if too dry it can crumble and damage the root fibers and hairs). When you see the roots creeping out of the bottom is a...
  2. xxRolandxx

    Unknown Disease (with pics) Killing My Girls

    As I said in the OP the other plants didnt seem affected, it was only those 3 plants having problems. Even though all of them are under the same conditions (same water..nutes...etc). To the guy who asked about my set up: In my preflowering room I have (2) 85 watt CFLs and (1) 65W CFL (real...
  3. xxRolandxx

    Unknown Disease (with pics) Killing My Girls

    Of course. I have ph neutral water which came with the tester to reset the sensor.
  4. xxRolandxx

    Unknown Disease (with pics) Killing My Girls

    I appreciate your input..would you please explain why you think this would be a good solution and what problems it would solve? I could do this tomorrow morning as Im planning on up-potting some seedlings anyway.
  5. xxRolandxx

    Unknown Disease (with pics) Killing My Girls

    Thank you Ocean! I normally test my run-off Ph with a digital tester and it routinely registers 6.5-6.7. You are right that first pic was just watered with a light BioGrow solution. I appreciate the help!! Im letting the soil dry out now and plan to add a N rich booster in a few days. Im hoping...
  6. xxRolandxx

    Grow Room

    Not big enough. For the lumens/wattage I would say to you that a small HPS would do wonders (like a 150 or 250W) for your garden. You can get some cheaply online. I tried to go the CFL/LED route when I was first starting out for the same reasons you said (budget and electricity) but from...
  7. xxRolandxx

    Unknown Disease (with pics) Killing My Girls

    Sorry to bump this..but I could really use some help. Ill post some great bud shots of The Ultimate if someone can help...
  8. xxRolandxx

    Unknown Disease (with pics) Killing My Girls

    Hey guys. Ive attached a few pics of this unknown disease my plants have got. I suspect its fungal in nature, but not 100% sure. This almost killed my young Pineapple Express (they survived and are now OK) and it is now attacking my Super Lemon Haze. Other plants dont seem to be affected (as you...
  9. xxRolandxx

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Fuck RollitUp. Im deleting my account, removing my attachments and getting the fuck out of here. Why they ban some amazing guys like Uncle Ben is beyond me. Their silence on the matter is gestapo-esqu. (oh and fuck Godwin as well for my violation of the "rule")
  10. xxRolandxx

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    If UB is gone...please ban me and I will remove all my content and posts ASAP. Fuck that! This dude is not only a legend, but an amazingly accessible person. Always willing to answer a question or post some good info. This is seriously stupid.
  11. xxRolandxx

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    That is so cool! I saw the picture on page 70 that said "This photo of the foot-long fibrous mass of roots was taken after Uncle Ben shook off most of the semi-dry soil"..I was like WTF! Great book by the way, it is really helpful!
  12. xxRolandxx

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Hey Uncle Ben are you the same Uncle Ben who is referenced in the Marijuana Horticulture Growers Bible?
  13. xxRolandxx

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    LOL, that was fun. Hope u didnt take it too seriously. I was having fun doing my best Glenn Beck impression. ;)
  14. xxRolandxx

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    There wont be any new ones. As stated before the person posting as kitty is likely a cop who has taken over the account. "Her" recent posts have done nothing to show anything different and they wont. They know this, and know that the secret is out..and tried to post to cover it. Notice no new...
  15. xxRolandxx

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Thank you Uncle Ben! Here is the results of your topping technique (and a bit of a tribute with the picture). There is only 3 heads because 1 of the heads was used to make 10 clones early on. After the clones took she was flowered. My 3 headed beast, thanks to Uncle Bens Topping Tech.
  16. xxRolandxx

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    Actually it was an asshole who got busted who snitched on someone, and that person got busted and snitched on someone...and that someone happened to be involved with me at the time. He was under surveillance and unintentionally led them to me and my grow operation. And the only reason I know all...
  17. xxRolandxx

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    Riiiight, because a cop would totally be warning everyone to be careful about this site and not share any personal information. Have you even seen my personal security threads? Maybe if you took a look at what ive posted and WHY Im so paranoid you would understand. Doing over 7 years in prison...
  18. xxRolandxx

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    Agreed, and she said that that pic WAS her, in this thread. Looks like someone is trying to do some damage control now that the secret is out. Why am I not surprised.
  19. xxRolandxx

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    Dude if they confiscated her camera(s) you think she wouldnt have had some sexy pictures of herself on it in addition to the growing pics?? Hell on my PC alone (and digital cameras) I have tons of personal pictures. Its not much of a stretch to say they would use any and all photos to give "her"...
  20. xxRolandxx

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    No but if the information on the servers are under subpoena during an investigation physically having them in the United States makes it much easier to get the information. Actually the hosting company would hand them over with not even a fight (unlike if RIU actually owned their servers and had...