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  1. mrdrywall

    nirvana seeds suck

    bought from them 2 seperate times and learned my lesson 1st 10 ak 48 reg tiny beans 6 cracked 4 were males and only 1 was healthy other a freakin midget complained 5 wks into flower and no response still 2nd time 5 fem super skunk tiny bad colored beans again but 4 cracked this time still waitn...
  2. mrdrywall

    BC Seeds Upstate largest yeild?????

    nirvana seeds kinda sucks too they will get em to you fast but they are shit ordered 10 aks 6 cracked 4 were males and only 1 is a good plant so tried em 1 more time 5 fem super skunk they were tiny as well and 4 cracked i could tell soon as i looked at them the one wasnt gonna complained both...
  3. mrdrywall

    3000w trees!

    damn ive got a long way to go i bought all the filters lights hoods finally gettin little better yields after a lot of trial and error but nowhere near yours you r the king
  4. mrdrywall

    Should you cut off fan leaves during flowering

    guess this is one thats never gonna be settled to each his own my fan leaves on 1 ak 48 were fuckin huge at the bottom blockin air light so i cut em seems to be growing better now my other ak s didnt have that prob so i left it to nature
  5. mrdrywall

    Fuck you all!

    boo hoo phree 23 man up!!
  6. mrdrywall

    21 days in to flowering. LED GROW!!!

    no heat probs with my 1000 watt everyone keeps talkin about heat issues i wish i had that problem could use the heat instead of having to supply it 8 inch centrifigul fan on top of a charcoal filter ducted to the light to cool the bulb keeps the smell almost non existent too can touch the glass...
  7. mrdrywall

    Wonder women not that Wonderful

    ive had 2 bad experiences with nirvana too shitty small seeds 10 reg ak48 first time 6 cracked 4 males 2nd time super skunk 5 fem seeds very small 4 cracked still waitin to see if they sprout also complained both times nobody has got back to me at all so far kinda sucks cause i wanted 5 wonder...
  8. mrdrywall

    Cold floor causing nitrogen deficiency?

    i cut yellow ones off and then raised em none came back
  9. mrdrywall

    Cold floor causing nitrogen deficiency?

    i had my plants on cement alsoroom stays about 75 but floor was very coldhad yellow leaves also thought it was nutes at first raised them up 6 incheswith plywood sitting on empty pots seems to have helped a lot stuck my finger into soil and big differance in the temp now and no yellow leaves...
  10. mrdrywall

    Can I get some opinions on Fox Farms Ocean Forest?

    i use all f f soil and nutes love it 1.5 cubic ft bag 14.00 at the hydro store bout half hour away agree that soil is very strong no need for nutes for a month
  11. mrdrywall

    Internet Seeds, good idea?

    i ordred from nivana to the u s and the seeds sucked both times first time ordered 10 ak 48 regular all very small and only 4 were worth trying to germ did all of em because i paid for them only 6 cracked and 3 were males and only 1 was a vigorous plant so figured id try them one more time...
  12. mrdrywall

    21 days in to flowering. LED GROW!!!

    not that impressive my 1000 watt does a lot better then that
  13. mrdrywall


    been drying in my clone room 24/7 light seen a few posts that said dry in the dark why is that appreciate any info
  14. mrdrywall

    Miracle grow question please help!

    fox farm all the way soil and nutes
  15. mrdrywall

    Buying seeds online help newbie

    i only ordered once onlinefrom nivana was very nervous also but just had to have ak"s got here in like 6 days to united states only 7 outta ten germed but ones that did r 6 inches tall and lookin good
  16. mrdrywall

    diy grow box

    thanks ,some people r just hard headed and refuse to learn maybe after my friend fails a few times he will follow suit and maybe try the proven methods
  17. mrdrywall

    cheap pots

    as with a lot of people i started this new hobby on a budget have read a lot of comments from people also on a tight one if you need 20 or more pots the $4 and $5 ones from wallmart add up fast to a lot of dough ilive around a lot of green houses so i stopped in and asked to buy some of the pots...
  18. mrdrywall

    diy grow box

    newbie here been doin a lot of reading and trial and error actually gettin a decent yield this time a friend is gonna start growing his own and asked me why doesnt anybody just use a box with soil instead of all the pots the only thing i could come up with besides the fact that everybody in the...
  19. mrdrywall

    Clones keep dting what am I doing wrong ?

    definately agree no freakin heating pad did that myself and lost a lot of clones
  20. mrdrywall

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    i agree with sticky hits i have 1000 watt hps runnin also charcoal filter and fan hooked to it super cool can touch the glass at all times